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Computer radiation

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:18 am    Post subject: Computer radiation Reply with quote

My problem stems from the fact that I'm designing a completely
computerized instrument panel, where the RF generator will be in
close proximity to the RF receiver. I was trying to use a tablet
computer, but it appears I'm going to have to put the computer in a
shielded compartment away from the receivers and just put the display
on the panel. The tablet computers I've tried were Fujitsu Stylistic
1200 and 2400 models, and they broke the squelch (full quieting) of
my com radio from a distance of 100 feet. has the details.

Dave Morris
At 06:07 AM 4/1/2006, you wrote:

Dave if your laptop is wiping out your Com, I would
look into your avionics installation or get a new
laptop or both. Back in the day was only 20 years
ago, airplanes had few computers and laptop an cel
phones rare.

All major consumer electronic devices has to meet
FCC specification for EMF & RFreq interference. Before
everyone panics when the iPod, PDA or laptop comes
out on a plane, the power of the RF is so nil its of
little concern. Again as Kevin and yes Myth Busters
have shown, commercial aircraft are very well shielded
from RF, by design. Lightning strikes is even more of a
worry than a passenger laptop. Notice that FM radios
and many devices are forbidden at all times on airliners.

To be honest if you wanted to be perfect no portable
device should be used, including computers, but the
fly consumer, business traveler would not stand for
that. We agree the risk is small. Yes?

The truth is if there is enough power on the right freq
you can hurt any avionics, at least certainly the NAV
signal and even COM. Typical portable devices don't
radiate enough energy.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:15 pm    Post subject: Computer radiation Reply with quote

At 08:12 AM 4/1/2006 -0600, you wrote:



My problem stems from the fact that I'm designing a completely
computerized instrument panel, where the RF generator will be in
close proximity to the RF receiver. I was trying to use a tablet
computer, but it appears I'm going to have to put the computer in a
shielded compartment away from the receivers and just put the display
on the panel. The tablet computers I've tried were Fujitsu Stylistic
1200 and 2400 models, and they broke the squelch (full quieting) of
my com radio from a distance of 100 feet. has the details.

Dave Morris

Yup, those things can be horrific radiators. Processor
based autopilots I've tested were quite noisy at and
below the processor clock speed. We always mounted them
in totally enclosed cabinets and brought wiring out
through filtered pathways. They're FCC Part 15 tested
which says, "Yeah, I'm really noisy but still below certain
limits and by the way, if I do interfere with some other
system, its your duty to turn me off or separate me from
the higher priority service."

For the most part, portable devices aboard large aircraft
are located far enough from antennas and from cockpit mounted
equipment to be very tiny risks. But as you've noted, when
you bring this class of product aboard a small aircraft and
even consider mounting it on the panel, the playing field
can change dramatically.
Bob . . .
< What is so wonderful about scientific that >
< the authority which determines whether there can be >
< debate or not does not reside in some fraternity of >
< scientists; nor is it divine. The authority rests >
< with experiment. >
< --Lawrence M. Krauss >

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:47 am    Post subject: Computer radiation Reply with quote

Dave, make a study of Tempest computer techniques.

David M.
Dave Morris "BigD" wrote:


My problem stems from the fact that I'm designing a completely
computerized instrument panel, where the RF generator will be in
close proximity to the RF receiver. I was trying to use a tablet
computer, but it appears I'm going to have to put the computer in a
shielded compartment away from the receivers and just put the display
on the panel. The tablet computers I've tried were Fujitsu Stylistic
1200 and 2400 models, and they broke the squelch (full quieting) of
my com radio from a distance of 100 feet. has the details.

Dave Morris

At 06:07 AM 4/1/2006, you wrote:

>Dave if your laptop is wiping out your Com, I would
>look into your avionics installation or get a new
>laptop or both. Back in the day was only 20 years
>ago, airplanes had few computers and laptop an cel
>phones rare.
> All major consumer electronic devices has to meet
>FCC specification for EMF & RFreq interference. Before
>everyone panics when the iPod, PDA or laptop comes
>out on a plane, the power of the RF is so nil its of
>little concern. Again as Kevin and yes Myth Busters
>have shown, commercial aircraft are very well shielded

>from RF, by design. Lightning strikes is even more of a

>worry than a passenger laptop. Notice that FM radios
>and many devices are forbidden at all times on airliners.
> To be honest if you wanted to be perfect no portable
>device should be used, including computers, but the
>fly consumer, business traveler would not stand for
>that. We agree the risk is small. Yes?
>The truth is if there is enough power on the right freq
>you can hurt any avionics, at least certainly the NAV
>signal and even COM. Typical portable devices don't
>radiate enough energy.

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