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For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:48 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

Have you any idea why an 80 hp 912 should sometimes do power
losses after take off or in cruise at 1000 ft.
Spark, fuel and carb inspected with no obvious fault. Not my
machine, but it has happened several times in the good old English summer.
Vince Hallam
Devon Windmill Holidays
Woodlands, Walls Hill Road
Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3LZ
Tel: 01803 316191 Mob: 07941 313141

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:17 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

monitor fuel pressure

On 20, Jul 2009, at 11:45 AM, Vince Hallam wrote:



Have you any idea why an 80 hp 912 should sometimes do
power losses after take off or in cruise at 1000 ft.
Spark, fuel and carb inspected with no obvious fault.
Not my machine, but it has happened several times in the good old
English summer.
Vince Hallam
Devon Windmill Holidays
Woodlands, Walls Hill Road
Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3LZ
Tel: 01803 316191 Mob: 07941 313141

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:24 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

Carb ice.

Rick Girard
do not archive

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Vince Hallam <vince(at) (vince(at)> wrote:
[quote]--> Kolb-List message posted by: "Vince Hallam" <vince(at) (vince(at)>

� � � � � Have you any idea why an 80 hp 912 should sometimes do �power losses after take off or in cruise at 1000 ft.
� � � � � Spark, fuel and carb inspected with no obvious fault. Not my machine, but it has happened several times in the good old English summer.
Vince Hallam
Devon Windmill Holidays
Woodlands, Walls Hill Road
Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3LZ
Tel: 01803 316191 � Mob: 07941 313141

le, List Admin.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:27 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

Hi Vince,

Fl;y in was a dull affair. Washed out on Saturday with only one arrival,
from Kemble, but about 15 had a meal a beers at the pub in the evening..

Not too bad on Sunday. Got through a few `burghers and lots of coffee.


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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
Posts: 4639
Location: Titus, Alabama (hauck's holler)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:41 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

> Have you any idea why an 80 hp 912 should sometimes do power
losses after take off or in cruise at 1000 ft.
Spark, fuel and carb inspected with no obvious fault. Not my
machine, but it has happened several times in the good old English summer.
Vince Hallam

Hi Vince:

Went through a similar problem with my 80 hp 912 on my first flight to
Alaska. Engine was brand new, less than 100 hours, all flown in SE US with
very warm air temperatures. When I got up into northern British Columbia
the temps tumbled into the 40F range. My 912 would stumble and run rough
when reducing power from 5,000 rpm cruise to set up for landing or
decending. The further north I got the worse it became. Finally, got to
the point, in cruise rpm, when the aircraft would load and unload either due
to turbulence or pushing the nose down or up, running well/crisp in negative
G situations and stumbling and wanting to quite running in positive G
situations. The problem was running lean in mid-range. I did not discover
this until the next winter in Alabama when I had time and was in a place to
experiment. I lowered the fuel needle clip one notch, increasing the fuel
mixture. That took care of my problem.

To determine if I am running rich or lean in mid-range, I pull the
enricher/choke lever full open. If the engine gets crisp and gains a couple
hundred rpm, it means it is lean. If it stumbles, it is either ok, or may
be a little rich. Would rather have it rich than lean.

The 80 hp engine is tuned at the factory to be on the near edge of lean in

That may be your problem. If not, might be carb ice, or fuel starvation, or
a host of other things to bug Hell out of you. Wink

By the way, the spark plugs were black and sooty, telling me the engine was
running rich, when in fact, it was running lean. The black plugs were
caused by low cylinder head temps. The intake manifolds are not heated on
the 912UL which is a much cooler running engine than the 912ULS. By
blocking off the radiator, increasing CHT, the engine runs much better. My
runs best when it is at 180F and hotter.

I might add, spark plugs don't always tell the truth when one is reading
them, as it was in this case. They are a lot like the instruments we use in
our airplanes, they'll lie to you in a minute. Most of the time the 912
series engines are running great, but an oil pressure gauge, oil temp gauge
will be telling a different story.

john h

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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:54 am    Post subject: For John Hauck Rotax 912 in uk Reply with quote

I wish Id met Homer when I came to Sun`n` Fun a few years ago..............

Thanks John and Others
Vince Hallam
Devon Windmill Holidays
Woodlands, Walls Hill Road
Torquay, Devon, TQ1 3LZ
Tel: 01803 316191 Mob: 07941 313141

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