aslsa.rng(at) Guest
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:39 am Post subject: More numbers, testing continues |
Great morning for flying here on the Great Plains. Took off at 9:00 into a light north wind, knee board on and ready to start gathering data. Climbed to 2000' AGL (3300 MSL). OAT 56 degrees F humidity 75%. Started speed runs to test ASI readings.
6000 80
5800 78
5600 74
5400 70
5200 67
5000 62
Power off stalls
Vs 1/2 flap 35
Vs full flap 32
Landed and talked to my neighbor about flying the Kolb and the readings I logged. I was concerned my ASI is still optimistic. He offered the use of his Garmin 196 and I accepted.
Back up to 2000' AGL. Forgot to record OAT, rats!
RPM IAS GPS Direction via IFR (I follow roads)
6000 80 98 South
6000 80 54 North Average 76 mph
5400 70 92 South
5400 70 46 North Average 69 mph
Unfortunately I forgot to take my variometer out of the trike so I could get accurate ROC numbers and the convective activity has picked up by now.
Something to forward to tomorrow.
Rick Girard
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