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BMW aero engine

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:24 pm    Post subject: BMW aero engine Reply with quote

Dear Greg, i live in Germany, about 1 hour's drive from Herr Bleidiesel, the owner of TakeOff BMW
and have spoken to him several times.
He specializes in pusher models and not tractor engines.
i have spoken to one of his earlier customers, who bought the tractor PSRU from TakeOFF
and after 40 hours, he had to totally rebuild it.
Now, he builds his own PSRU.
But only builds them upon request and for friends.
He is a flight instructor and is not in the business of building engines.
He has 3 planes, all with BMW engines and his own redrive.
His first Beemer now has more than 3000 hours!
i flew 2 other of his engines with the 1150 R engine and his redrive and they are very reliable,
according to their owners.
i have an R1100 S BMW engine fitted with his custom PSRU.
(not yet flying)
The attraction of the BMW engine is great!
Modern technology and metallurgy,
not found on a 30 year Soob or a 40 year old Corvair.
The weight and profile of the motor also make it a good choice.
It is fuel injected and both air and oil cooled standard.
It is the only motor that one can literally take from a motor bike,
bolt on a new flywheel, add the redrive and fly!
The new series 1200 engines seems even better,
but it also comes with the new electronics which is useless to us!
Once you strip down the 1200 motor bike engine and add all the do-dads from TakeOff,
you might as well buy a Rotax straight from the box.
My Beemer engine came from a recently new motor bike that had crashed, so it was low mileage.
The 1100 and 1150 series ECU and cables can be used for flight.
The PSRU for both, is the same.
The 1200 series is totally new and the older 1100 redrive is not compatible.
Silent Hektik in Germany, also sells the redrive and the electronics for the 1200 Beemer.
Forget email. Fax them!
Because of the $:€ exchange rate, it is now cheaper to buy a used Beemer in the USA, than in Berlin!!!
Don't know about down under???
Until some one comes up with a good, low weight powerplant, at a reasonable price, homebuilders will still have to fly whatever we can find locally.
i wanted a totally experimental AC.
My building companion, decided to buy a Jabiru.
My rec is to get an 1150 and a custom redrive.
All the very best

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Joined: 04 Oct 2009
Posts: 25
Location: Sydney, Australia

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:44 am    Post subject: BMW aero engine Reply with quote

Thank you for taking the time to send such a comprehensive reply.


Greg Cox
Zenith Zodiac CH650, VH-ZDC
Sydney, Australia (Cecil Hills)
Email - greg(at)
Mobile - 0430002333
Fax - (02) 9823 9977

From: owner-zenith-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-zenith-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of hermanmullis(at)
Sent: Sunday, 18 October 2009 5:21 PM
To: zenith-list(at)
Subject: BMW aero engine

Dear Greg,
i live in Germany, about 1 hour's drive from Herr Bleidiesel, the owner of TakeOff BMW

and have spoken to him several times.

He specializes in pusher models and not tractor engines.

i have spoken to one of his earlier customers, who bought the tractor PSRU from TakeOFF

and after 40 hours, he had to totally rebuild it.

Now, he builds his own PSRU.

But only builds them upon request and for friends.

He is a flight instructor and is not in the business of building engines.

He has 3 planes, all with BMW engines and his own redrive.

His first Beemer now has more than 3000 hours!

i flew 2 other of his engines with the 1150 R engine and his redrive and they are very reliable,

according to their owners.

i have an R1100 S BMW engine fitted with his custom PSRU.

(not yet flying)

The attraction of the BMW engine is great!

Modern technology and metallurgy,

not found on a 30 year Soob or a 40 year old Corvair.

The weight and profile of the motor also make it a good choice.

It is fuel injected and both air and oil cooled standard.

It is the only motor that one can literally take from a motor bike,

bolt on a new flywheel, add the redrive and fly!

The new series 1200 engines seems even better,

but it also comes with the new electronics which is useless to us!

Once you strip down the 1200 motor bike engine and add all the do-dads from TakeOff,

you might as well buy a Rotax straight from the box.

My Beemer engine came from a recently new motor bike that had crashed, so it was low mileage.

The 1100 and 1150 series ECU and cables can be used for flight.

The PSRU for both, is the same.

The 1200 series is totally new and the older 1100 redrive is not compatible.

Silent Hektik in Germany, also sells the redrive and the electronics for the 1200 Beemer.

Forget email. Fax them!

Because of the $:€ exchange rate, it is now cheaper to buy a used Beemer in the USA, than in Berlin!!!

Don't know about down under???

Until some one comes up with a good, low weight powerplant, at a reasonable price, homebuilders will still have to fly whatever we can find locally.

i wanted a totally experimental AC.

My building companion, decided to buy a Jabiru.

My rec is to get an 1150 and a custom redrive.

All the very best


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Joined: 19 Oct 2009
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:37 am    Post subject: Re: BMW aero engine Reply with quote

can you contact me at wohlmuth10(at) ?
I am very interested in the BMWs.
I am from Austria.

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