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2-10 swtich spacing

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:42 pm    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

When I had my panel cut out by e-panel builders a while ago they used
1' 1/8 center
On 19/10/09 1:58 PM, "rvg8tor" <rvg8tor(at)> wrote:


I asked this of B&C who sells the switches but they directed me to ask Bob
Nuckolls on this forum so I am putting it out for anyone with the information.
I am not sure why B&C would not know technical information for items they

I had drilled holes 3/4" on center for my switches. The bigger 2-10 switches
fit, but with very little room between them.

Is there a minimum space between switches required?

Thanks for the help.

Mike &quot;Nemo&quot; Elliott
RV-8A QB (Fuselage)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:43 pm    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

I seem to recall Bob M suggested 0.9 inch spacing.



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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:35 pm    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

In Bob Nukolls original Aeroelectic drawings I am sure he showed 0.8 inch
spacing, but in his newer version he has 0.9 inch spacing. I believe you
will have to wait for an answer from the man himself. His experience is
vast, while most of us have little to none.

Europa XS191


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:15 am    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

1 inch to provide finger and wiring space.

Richard Reynolds
Norfolk VA
RV-6A - N841RV
On Oct 19, 2009, at 4:58 PM, rvg8tor wrote:
[quote]--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "rvg8tor" <rvg8tor(at) (rvg8tor(at)>

I asked this of B&C who sells the switches but they directed me to ask Bob Nuckolls on this forum so I am putting it out for anyone with the information. I am not sure why B&C would not know technical information for items they sell!

I had drilled holes 3/4" on center for my switches. The bigger 2-10 switches fit, but with very little room between them.

Is there a minimum space between switches required?

Thanks for the help.

Mike &quot;Nemo&quot; Elliott
RV-8A QB (Fuselage)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:53 am    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

At 09:32 PM 10/19/2009, you wrote:


In Bob Nukolls original Aeroelectic drawings I am sure he showed 0.8
inch spacing, but in his newer version he has 0.9 inch spacing. I
believe you will have to wait for an answer from the man himself.
His experience is vast, while most of us have little to none.

What ever will fit for you. There are no "standard
practices" driven by switch size. There are human
factors issues that usually speak to manipulation
by the fingers without operating more than one
switch . . . and the size of placard lettering.
I don't think we ever used smaller than 1/8" high,
Futura bold style lettering. We did a little study
here on the list where someone was contemplating all
miniature switches to "save panel space". As it turned
out the human factors issues drove limitation that
saved only about 5-10% of total panel area for having
"gone miniature". Going any tighter only made the
switches problematic to operate and/or the placard
lettering too small.

I'm in Wichita this week and away from my Medicine
Lodge data base (maybe I need to try that GoToMyPC
service). But I think the drawings I've published
for exemplar panel layouts with full sized switches
used 0.8" spacing.

There's a fabrication tool that you might consider
for helping you lay out the holes. Somewhere in my
tools I have a piece of steel bar about .1" thick,
1" wide and 5" long with a two rows of #30 holes.

One row is for the switch bushing centers, the
second row is for the anti-rotation tabs.
The drill fixture has 5 sets of holes. You can
drill your first hole in the panel and then Cleco
the fixture to the panel such that the hole at
the other end lines up on the bushings centerline.
Then drill the 5th switch hole.

Install another Cleco and drill the remaining
8 pilot holes. Then use Clecos to move the fixture
two holes at a time along the remainder of the
row of switches. I had the drill fixture made
on a vertical mill with a digital readout. It
offers a way to produce very accurately spaced
hole patterns of any length.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:23 am    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote

Robert L. Nuckolls, III wrote:

I'm in Wichita this week and away from my Medicine
Lodge data base (maybe I need to try that GoToMyPC

Try this first. It is actually much easier than it first appears.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:30 am    Post subject: 2-10 swtich spacing Reply with quote


Ok, if I sit in your plane and it’s .75 I’m going to tell bob J

From: owner-aeroelectric-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-aeroelectric-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Richard Reynolds
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 6:12 AM
To: aeroelectric-list(at)
Subject: Re: 2-10 swtich spacing

1 inch to provide finger and wiring space.

Richard Reynolds

Norfolk VA

RV-6A - N841RV

On Oct 19, 2009, at 4:58 PM, rvg8tor wrote:

--> AeroElectric-List message posted by: "rvg8tor" <rvg8tor(at) (rvg8tor(at)>

I asked this of B&C who sells the switches but they directed me to ask Bob Nuckolls on this forum so I am putting it out for anyone with the information. I am not sure why B&C would not know technical information for items they sell!

I had drilled holes 3/4" on center for my switches. The bigger 2-10 switches fit, but with very little room between them.

Is there a minimum space between switches required?

Thanks for the help.

Mike &quot;Nemo&quot; Elliott
RV-8A QB (Fuselage)

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