MauleDriver(at) Guest
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 5:00 pm Post subject: IFR continued - A great dark and stormy night flight in Dec |
FWIW - 8+ years ago I decided to put an IFR panel in my Maule but man-up
on the AP issue and hand-fly only. After all, I was sailplane pilot -
no APs there and plenty of 3, 4, and 5+ hour cross countries.
I regret it every flight at some point. Instead of making me sharper,
it just bores me and makes me lax. And when the fun part comes up;
landing, taking off, manuvering, approaches - often I'm just tired.
It's no fun hand flying when using the relief system. Waking my
co-pilot up to fly while I use the system... there's just no optimal
I've learned how to fold maps and organize a knee board for hand flying
in IMC. So what.
Good luck fighting the good fight. He doesn't have to use it.
Bill "just talked to Trutrak today making sure I have the trim feature"
Lew Gallagher wrote:
Quote: |
Hey Rob,
I'm not even a pilot and I get a control stick in my pants just looking at your posts! Made my day.
My owner/pilot that I'm helping build his -10, just told me he will NOT listen to me about all the recommendations for installing an AP and he is expecting delivery on the Advanced 4500 and 3500, and Garmin 430S around X-mas ... SO CLOSE, I can't believe he's not going that last inch! Maybe he would listen to you ...?
I'm still working on him and sent him a link to your post.
Later, - Lew
crazy about building
Painting done!
On with wiring and avionics.
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