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Oil Change at 25 hours

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:12 pm    Post subject: Oil Change at 25 hours Reply with quote

Hello C
My ascendancy is proving harder than I thought. Anyway C I am at the 27 hour mark and I am removing the straight mineral oil from my Aerosport 180 and wish to know if I can punt on replacing the oil filter til the next oil change?

I bought the special quick drain valves and after spilling oil all over the place am glad I did. The next oil change should be a lot less messy.

I am slowly starting to trust the RV-8. My landings are getting better and I am less terrified on final.� In a curious way C the responsiveness breeds confidence. I will post more on the 'real' feelings at this point in my RV- 8 odyssey in� another post.

Regards C
Vince H.
RV-8 N8432 (27 hours)

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Joined: 30 Dec 2007
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:33 am    Post subject: Oil Change at 25 hours Reply with quote


In the scheme of things the price of the filter is negligible.
�N542E 170 hours RV 8

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Vincent Himsl <vshimsl(at) (vshimsl(at)> wrote:
[quote] Hello,
My ascendancy is proving harder than I thought. Anyway, I am at the 27 hour mark and I am removing the straight mineral oil from my Aerosport 180 and wish to know if I can punt on replacing the oil filter til the next oil change?

I bought the special quick drain valves and after spilling oil all over the place am glad I did. The next oil change should be a lot less messy.

I am slowly starting to trust the RV-8. My landings are getting better and I am less terrified on final.� In a curious way, the responsiveness breeds confidence. I will post more on the 'real' feelings at this point in my RV- 8 odyssey in� another post.

Vince H.
RV-8 N8432 (27 hours)

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:45 am    Post subject: Oil Change at 25 hours Reply with quote

I'm at 53 hours and I know the feelings. My RV is flying great, but a number of issues will arise at the 45 hour mark. I checked all hose fittings, spark plugs, belts, wires, spar bolts, etc., at about the 10 hour point. But, surprisingly, there were a number of things like cables needing a standoff, cowling rubbing, screws pulling through fiberglass - things like that - that showed up at about 40-45 hours.
I thought that by now I'd know the airplane pretty well, but I learn something new each time I fly. It makes the flying more fun.
The oil quick drain is money well spent. It's hard to imagine anyone doing without one. I didn't switch from mineral oil until 50 hours with oil changes at 10 hours and 25 hours. Mine is an ADC oil filter which is cleanable, but I would change the oil filter when switching from mineral oil to regular oil. The engine gurus told me to switch oil types when the oil consumption dropped. In my case, oil consumption was never high and never dropped. I'm using VERY little oil - maybe a half quart every 10-12 hours. I'm now using Exxon Elite which is a semi-synthetic. Okay - I've got my flame suit on - I know I'm going to get lots of nasty remarks from everyone on the net about using synthetic oil in an airplane. We'll know in 20 years if it was a mistake.
Have you contacted Aerosport about switching to regular oil at 25 hours and not changing the filter? Most of the things I've read - including the Lycoming manual - recommend mineral oil until 50 hours and filter change with the oil change. I didn't drain the mineral oil out of the oil cooler when I did the oil switch to regular, so I've got a bit of mineral mixed in with the regular oil. Maybe not a good idea, but it will be eliminated over time.
Stan Sutterfield

My ascendancy is proving harder than I thought. Anyway=2C I am at the 27 ho
ur mark and I am removing the straight mineral oil from my Aerosport 180 an
d wish to know if I can punt on replacing the oil filter til the next oil c

I bought the special quick drain valves and after spilling oil all over the
place am glad I did. The next oil change should be a lot less messy.

I am slowly starting to trust the RV-8. My landings are getting better and
I am less terrified on final. In a curious way=2C the responsiveness breed
s confidence. I will post more on the 'real' feelings at this point in my R
V- 8 odyssey in another post.

Vince H.
RV-8 N8432 (27 hours)


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:06 am    Post subject: Oil Change at 25 hours Reply with quote


I agree with Ed. In fact I treat oil/filter as one. Why skimp? Also am curious if your engine is fully broken in at 27 hours. I too have a 180 Aerosport engine with 120 hours but it took about 60 hours to break in properly – until all engine indications were even and stabilized. My first oil change was replacing the mineral oil with mineral oil. Love the engine.

Wally Allington

From: owner-rv8-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv8-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of edward Clegg
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 8:33 AM
To: rv8-list(at)
Subject: Re: Oil Change at 25 hours


In the scheme of things the price of the filter is negligible.
N542E 170 hours RV 8
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Vincent Himsl <vshimsl(at) (vshimsl(at)> wrote:
My ascendancy is proving harder than I thought. Anyway, I am at the 27 hour mark and I am removing the straight mineral oil from my Aerosport 180 and wish to know if I can punt on replacing the oil filter til the next oil change?

I bought the special quick drain valves and after spilling oil all over the place am glad I did. The next oil change should be a lot less messy.

I am slowly starting to trust the RV-8. My landings are getting better and I am less terrified on final. In a curious way, the responsiveness breeds confidence. I will post more on the 'real' feelings at this point in my RV- 8 odyssey in another post.

Vince H.
RV-8 N8432 (27 hours)

Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.


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