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Official color of levers

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Joined: 24 Nov 2009
Posts: 797

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:14 pm    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

Is there an official listing of color to be used on balls or knobs for control levers?I think Black for throttle, Blue for prop, Red for mixture. How about cowl flap, choke, wheel brake, glider airbrake and doors?If not official, what would standard practice for color be for cowl flap, choke, wheel brake, glider airbrake and door? I want to have my aluminum balls and knobs anozied and there are plenty of colors to choose from sooooo....Thx. Ron Parigoris [quote][b]

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Joined: 17 Sep 2006
Posts: 239
Location: Torquay - England

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:33 am    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

Hi Guys

And what colours (colors) are recommended for the various warning lights


John (England)

[quote] ---

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Joined: 09 Oct 2009
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Location: NSW Central Coast, Australia

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:02 am    Post subject: Re: Official color of levers Reply with quote

I'm not aware of any mandatory standard colour code convention for cockpit controls. Take a browse through some cockpit photos and you will see. Some are decidedly uncolourful! There are however conventions which are generally adhered to when colour is used.

They generally fall in an order of importance. Red is vital (examples may be fuel/oil shutoff valves, anything which will stop your engine running if it's not in the right spot, fire extinguisher handles). Yellow is important (examples may be canopy latches, park brake lever, something which could cause embarrassment or damage if it's not in the right spot). Anything else doesn't matter too much. As for lights - the design follows a pattern of urgency and the convention is widely adhered to in my experience:

Red: You need to take positive action now (eg - fire detected, you've just stalled).
Amber: You need to take action pretty soon (eg - low/overvoltage, door unlocked, something has low pressure when it shouldn't).
Green/Blue/White: I'm telling you something you might like to know (eg - gear down).

Even the modern EICAS/glass planes are designed like this with their messaging systems. Red is bad & you better do something pronto. Amber is important, but probably won't kill you just yet. White is just telling you something. Green is the gear down & locked.


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:58 am    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

Subject: Official color of levers

HI Ron-

In a glider, flaps are grey, speed / air / dive brakes are blue, and canopy
release / jettison are red. Wheel brakes are typically either a metallic
bicycle brake-type affair mounted just below the stick grip or are
incorporated into the dive brake at the extreme end of the deploy travel.

Is there an officiallisting ofcolor to be used on balls or
knobs for control levers?
I think Black for throttle, Blue for prop,
Red for mixture. How about cowl flap, choke, wheel brake, glider airbrake
and doors?
If not official, what would standard practice for color be
for cowl flap, choke, wheel brake, glider airbrake and door? I want to
have my aluminum balls and knobs anozied and there are plenty of colors to
choose from sooooo....
Ron Parigoris

glen matejcek

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:58 am    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

HI Ron-

In a glider, flaps are grey, speed / air / dive brakes are blue, and canopy
release / jettison are red. Wheel brakes are typically either a metallic
bicycle brake-type affair mounted just below the stick grip or are
incorporated into the dive brake at the extreme end of the deploy travel.

And again..... What color was the throttle ball??

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:59 am    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

Gliders don't have throttles..

All the airplanes I have flown with throttles have black marking on that

So far it sounds like the conflicts would be with the canopy release and
mixture both being red, and the air brakes and propeller both being blue.



HI Ron-

In a glider, flaps are grey, speed / air / dive brakes are blue, and
release / jettison are red. Wheel brakes are typically either a metallic
bicycle brake-type affair mounted just below the stick grip or are
incorporated into the dive brake at the extreme end of the deploy travel.

And again..... What color was the throttle ball??

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Joined: 24 Nov 2009
Posts: 797

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:11 am    Post subject: Official color of levers Reply with quote

Hi Roger"And again..... What color was the throttle ball??"To my understanding the throttle balls of the vast majority of gliders are connected to the pilot. Thus usually hidden out of sight and color depends on race ;-)Ron Parigoris [quote][b]

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Eric M. Jones

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
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Location: Massachusetts

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:21 am    Post subject: Re: Official color of levers Reply with quote


I looked into this years ago and there is no lack of information. Just Google "Cockpit Ergonomics" and have a go at it. There are FAA and ICAO regulations on the shapes of landing gear and flap knobs, but color is not the issue for controls.

What color is the blue knob in red night-lighting??

Being R-G color-blind, I carry a piece of paper from the FAA saying IO can see color. So that makes me an expert.

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Eric M. Jones
113 Brentwood Drive
Southbridge, MA 01550
(508) 764-2072
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