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RV-8 Seam Gap

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:05 am    Post subject: RV-8 Seam Gap Reply with quote

Dear fellow builders, I notice that there is a seam gap located between the firewall and cowling on the sides where the attachment hinge pins separate. It is about six inches and about a half dozen rivet holes. I can see riveting a plate there to help hold in air pressure or just make it look nicer. What has other builders done? Hope to hear from you, Bill RV-8a near done


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:53 pm    Post subject: RV-8 Seam Gap Reply with quote

A whole lot of work, but you can do what I did which is to lay down plastic electrician tape around the firewall (thick enough to simulate the paint thickness), then lay down fiberglass, and then transition with micro-balloons and a lot (and I mean a lot) of sanding. Don’t use blue painter tape, just plain cheap (wal-mart is fine) plastic electrical tape. I did this on the top and sides of the cowl; not so much underneath.

I also put a couple of tabs, nothing elaborate, at the bottom ‘corners’ of the cowl.

Looks great, but it’s a ‘spent way toooooo much time on it’ detour from the prime directive – Get it done!

Why don’t you first finish the RV with the universally approved final inspection paint scheme (exposed aluminum and primer, gaps and all), then with the pressure off, you can make the ‘I have to do it’ or not decision.

RV8 N8432 Flying (46 hours)


The beginning

From: owner-rv8-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-rv8-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of japhillipsga(at)
Sent: March 24, 2010 10:30 AM
To: rv8-list(at)
Subject: RV-8 Seam Gap

Dear fellow builders, I notice that there is a seam gap located between the firewall and cowling on the sides where the attachment hinge pins separate. It is about six inches and about a half dozen rivet holes. I can see riveting a plate there to help hold in air pressure or just make it look nicer. What has other builders done? Hope to hear from you, Bill RV-8a near done


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:49 pm    Post subject: RV-8 Seam Gap Reply with quote

Dear fellow builders, I notice that there is a seam gap located between the firewall and cowling on the sides where the attachment hinge pins separate. It is about six inches and about a half dozen rivet holes. I can see riveting a plate there to help hold in air pressure or just make it look nicer. What has other builders done? Hope to hear from you, Bill RV-8a near done


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:30 pm    Post subject: RV-8 Seam Gap Reply with quote

Vince, I'm sorry I was unclear. The gap I'm concerned with is the area shown on your second photo. That 5-6 inches between the upper cowl attachment hinges and the lower side hinges. Note you can see inside the engine compartment through the seam. Bill


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