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ADI II Improvements?

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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:12 am    Post subject: ADI II Improvements? Reply with quote

I'm curious if others who have the ADI II feel as I do?

I selected the ADI II because it gave me a LOT of function in one hole; maximizing my RV7A panel space utilization. My GNS430/ADI II combo is Absolutely Terrific! It does a Great Job of reducing my workload, flying routes and the approach course. I knew it wouldn't fly descents when I bought it - and thought it would be very simple to turn altitude hold off, reduce power and go down the glide slope. And I was right, it's pretty easy.

But like any builder/engineer who typically wants to make things better, I've always wondered why my ADI II doesn't fly down the glide slope sent by my GNS430. The 430 is sending the info, the ADI is capable of climbing/descending (via the ALT knob). So why does it ignore the 430 glide slope signals? I've got to believe it'd be natural (terrific and simple?) upgrade that would seem to have a pretty good market. I'd certainly upgrade (for a reasonable $$), and can only assume others would too.

Not only that, but it'd be a great safety net for my non-flying wife. I've tried to design a set of procedures for her if I became incapacitated during flight. I can create a checklist that describes how to push buttons on the autopilot & 430 - and she can do that. But flying the descent to the airport is where it really gets dicey for a non-pilot ... a deadly stall is all too probable. If the ADI II would fly an ILS / GPS glide slope, then all she has to do is push a few buttons to get down to the runway. Then if she pulls the power off and hits the brakes she'll probably get us both on the ground. But whatever happened on the ground would certainly be better than an arrival stall from x,000 feet ! [quote][b]

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:37 pm    Post subject: ADI II Improvements? Reply with quote

Hello J:

I am not familiar with the ADI II but I do know the Glide Slope is a
separate output from the ground track signal. So you would have to be
able to separate the ground track GPS (ROLL) control/signal from the
ILS SLOPE (PITCH) signal and feed them to each of the servos. Give
ADI a call and they should be able to help you out.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:04 AM, J Riffel <riffeljl(at)> wrote:
I'm curious if others who have the ADI II feel as I do?

I selected the ADI II because it gave me a LOT of function in one hole;
maximizing my RV7A panel space utilization. My GNS430/ADI II combo is
Absolutely Terrific! It does a Great Job of reducing my workload, flying
routes and the approach course. I knew it wouldn't fly descents when I
bought it - and thought it would be very simple to turn altitude hold off,
reduce power and go down the glide slope. And I was right, it's pretty easy.

But like any builder/engineer who typically wants to make things better,
I've always wondered why my ADI II doesn't fly down the glide slope sent by
my GNS430. The 430 is sending the info, the ADI is capable of
climbing/descending (via the ALT knob). So why does it ignore the 430 glide
slope signals? I've got to believe it'd be natural (terrific and simple?)
upgrade that would seem to have a pretty good market. I'd certainly upgrade
(for a reasonable $$), and can only assume others would too.

Not only that, but it'd be a great safety net for my non-flying wife. I've
tried to design a set of procedures for her if I became incapacitated during
flight. I can create a checklist that describes how to push buttons on the
autopilot & 430 - and she can do that. But flying the descent to the airport
is where it really gets dicey for a non-pilot ... a deadly stall is all too
probable. If the ADI II would fly an ILS / GPS glide slope, then all she has
to do is push a few buttons to get down to the runway. Then if she pulls the
power off and hits the brakes she'll probably get us both on the ground. But
whatever happened on the ground would certainly be better than an arrival
stall from x,000 feet !

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