lacloudchaser(at) Guest
Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:49 am Post subject: From BFM back to Formation |
Whew, that was sounding like a well written Tom Clancey novel�on Air Campaigning - certainly lots of solid knowledge on all subjects here.
Anyone know the longest formation flight?� In 1998 I flew a flight of AC-130U gunpigs for a 36 hour non stop trans pacific formation with 7 inflight refuelings�from Hurlburt Fielf FL to K2 Korea at T-37 speeds with full guncrews and weapon loadsto prove a point about�getting to the fight without breaking down in Margaritteville�- the closest we could find in mission planning was in fact AC-130Hs non stop formation in Desert One to Guam�back in�80 at 24 hours, but figured the old SAC crews did some long duration gaggles.� AFSOC rightly keeps things quiet - was this a guiness run (what the bombers do in�Iraq?).� ��
I'm sure we as a group have some good "There I was..." recaps from flying so actively the last ten or in the newsletter....I was in a flight of L-39s flying extendeed trail last year and we had a little inflight issue that potentially threatened to FOD the only motor, for sake of�position, and the fact that with this issue lead would provide nothing as chase except marking point of impact, leads SA at that moment,�and apparently a front seat GPS that wouldn't caugh up the data, we had the other guy lead us quickly in to the closest field, it had�a moderately�short strip.� Out in front 15 seconds, suprisingly to me, he landed and got on the brakes.� Hmmm, would you have landed if you were leading in this one?���
By the way, I was at Waycross and heard someone yell "aircraft on short final gear - gear!", that was a well executed mutual support save - way to check your friends!
If anyone has recently installed these and has the approximate cost�for the oil filter kit and drain kit, could you email off list?� A guy is selling a beautiful CJ and has neither of these,
Yahoo! Mail goes everywhere you do. [url=*] Get it on your phone[/url].
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