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AD's on Certified Engines and props in Experimental Aircraft

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:34 pm    Post subject: AD's on Certified Engines and props in Experimental Aircraft Reply with quote


I need to add some more to the story on AD's being performed on engines and props installed that are certificated and installed in Experimental Aircraft.

The EAA is well aware of the Memo that I posted recently and refer to it as "infamous".

Basically the EAA's take is that an AD clearly makes the operator aware that there is a problem with a part in the aircraft. Further operation without addressing the safety issue is illegal in that you are now knowingly operating an aircraft with a documented safety defect.

But that does not mean you have to comply with the AD exactly as it is written.

For example, if you had an AD on an engine mag, and instead of complying with the AD, you simply tossed the mag, and installed a Electronic Ignition System. By doing this, you have addressed the intent of the AD and have removed the part that was causing the whole issue to begin with.

I am not surprised that the EAA explains it this way, because... it makes sense. The EAA usually makes sense. The local FAA FSDO's tend to fail in that regard.

So, the exact wording in the Memo is only one person's opinion (a quote from the EAA) and it is generally accepted that an Experimental Aircraft does not have to COMPLY with an AD, per se that is ... but on the other hand, the substance of the AD must be paid attention to and the safety issue it points out must somehow be addressed.

So ... once again, the local FSDO is "interpreting" and they are doing it in a way that differs from location to location. This is not legal and is being addressed. There is only one interpretation, and the EAA is going to help determine what that is.

The same thing applies to having to have a Pilot's Operating Handbook in a Experimental Aircraft. My particular FSDO is treating my Experimental aircraft as if it was a production certified model. This is wrong, and also needs to be addressed... carefully.

I am currently awaiting advice from the EAA, which I plan on following.

Another tidbit. Unsolicited advice. If the FAA walks out to your aircraft as you are getting ready to fly with a group of safety inspectors... cancel the flight. Tell them you want to speak in a private office and not in front of a crowd. Sit at a table and think carefully what they are asking you and what you are telling them. By and large, the odds are they are not there to help you. If the FAA gent says: "Just call me Tim", you tell him, just call me "Mr Bitterlich". Keep it formal. These folks are not your friends. When I asked if I could say something off the record, the response was: "Everything you say is on the record".

And it was.... always keep that in mind. Everything is on the record. And it applies to them as well.


p.s. I now have personal experience giving media rides. I am not ever going to do it again, and if anyone at an airshow asks why, I will be more than happy to tell them.

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Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 178

PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:13 pm    Post subject: Re: AD's on Certified Engines and props in Experimental Airc Reply with quote

Q & A:
Question of the Week
For EAA Information Services
I purchased a Breezy a few years ago. During the last annual inspection, my mechanic said that the seat belts/harness had to be replaced. The tags have either rotted off (it gets a lot of sun) or were cut or torn off by the previous owner.

My question: Are the seat belts on experimental aircraft required to display an FAA "approved" tag?

Answer: The short (and sweet) answer is NO.

Since your aircraft has an experimental amateur-built airworthiness certificate, you are free to use any parts and materials you wish. In fact, all parts installed in/on the aircraft become experimental the moment they are installed, even if they started out as parts for/from type-certificated aircraft (for example the engine and wings) or OEM/PMA parts manufacturers.

That's the beauty of homebuilts - you don't have to pay certified aviation prices for most things if you don't want to. In this case, seat belts from the auto racing world are usually cheaper, and you can use them in your Breezy with no problems.

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To ask a question regarding government issues, e-mail govt(at) For questions about registration, airmen, aircraft and medical certification, safety records, performance, or any other matter, e-mail infoserv(at)

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