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Politics and CJ's

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:11 am    Post subject: Politics and CJ's Reply with quote

Good Day all,

That subject line typically doesn’t go together, but I wanted to alert everyone on this page to the fact that one of our brothers, Terry “Pumper” Calloway has decided to run for office and try and bring some decency and accountability back to Washington while also promoting our freedoms in the general aviation arena. He’s running for 3rd District Representative in Kansas.

Terry has always been a huge supporter of the RPA and this list, so I wanted to throw my support behind one that has done so much for our organization and invite all of us to lend a hand in getting him to Washington. We need more folks like Terry in Washington to ensure that our passion for flying remains one of our cherished freedoms.

Good Luck Pumper!

Bill Mills
Blue Sky Yakrobatics, Inc
Owner, Chief Pilot

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:29 pm    Post subject: Politics and CJ's Reply with quote

The very best I can say about your post is bull shit .
Any other questions I can help you with ?
Terry Lewis

From: SC <thecookoos(at)>
To: yak-list(at)
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 6:24:57 PM
Subject: RE: Politics and CJ's - Correction

Being a Brit that’s what I find so undemocratic about the US of A – people are elected to public office based on how much they have in their pocket NOT ability. In UK ability can still get you elected to Parliament and anybody can become Prime Minister without Millions behind their campaigns.
………..and our Health Service is better despite all the rumours.

From: owner-yak-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-yak-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Terry Calloway
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:31 PM
To: yak-list(at)
Subject: Politics and CJ's - Correction

Thank you Pirate very much for those kind words.

One small correction,

I am running for the Kansas House of Representatives not the US House.

Gotta start somewhere but even that is going to cost the price of a good YAK.

Thanks to all for your support.


On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Bill Mills wrote:

Good Day all,

That subject line typically doesn’t go together, but I wanted to alert everyone on this page to the fact that one of our brothers, Terry “Pumper” Calloway has decided to run for office and try and bring some decency and accountability back to Washington while also promoting our freedoms in the general aviation arena. He’s running for 3rd District Representative in Kansas .

Terry has always been a huge supporter of the RPA and this list, so I wanted to throw my support behind one that has done so much for our organization and invite all of us to lend a hand in getting him to Washington . We need more folks like Terry in Washington to ensure that our passion for flying remains one of our cherished freedoms.

Good Luck Pumper!

Bill Mills

Blue Sky Yakrobatics, Inc

Owner, Chief Pilot



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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:07 pm    Post subject: Politics and CJ's Reply with quote

I guess I should have answered your post in a little more detail .
You implied that a person ,a person that I admire , could not be elected unless he was well financed .
In this country ,when you decide to run for office, you need finances to inform the electorate of why you seek this office and why you are qualified to do this job .
It's that simple !
As to health care , your third world approach to health care is well documented in your own news papers .
I also think that your shot at our style of goverment and your defense of a failed health care system are unfounded and can better be addressed in another forum and
not on the yak list .
This does not mean that we will not put a lot of effort in solving any problems you have with your yak . : )
Terry Lewis
From: T A LEWIS <talew(at)>
To: yak-list(at)
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 10:28:15 PM
Subject: Re: Politics and CJ's

The very best I can say about your post is bull shit .
Any other questions I can help you with ?
Terry Lewis

From: SC <thecookoos(at)>
To: yak-list(at)
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 6:24:57 PM
Subject: RE: Politics and CJ's - Correction

Being a Brit that’s what I find so undemocratic about the US of A – people are elected to public office based on how much they have in their pocket NOT ability. In UK ability can still get you elected to Parliament and anybody can become Prime Minister without Millions behind their campaigns.
………..and our Health Service is better despite all the rumours.

From: owner-yak-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-yak-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Terry Calloway
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:31 PM
To: yak-list(at)
Subject: Politics and CJ's - Correction

Thank you Pirate very much for those kind words.

One small correction,

I am running for the Kansas House of Representatives not the US House.

Gotta start somewhere but even that is going to cost the price of a good YAK.

Thanks to all for your support.


On Jun 1, 2010, at 1:09 PM, Bill Mills wrote:

Good Day all,

That subject line typically doesn’t go together, but I wanted to alert everyone on this page to the fact that one of our brothers, Terry “Pumper” Calloway has decided to run for office and try and bring some decency and accountability back to Washington while also promoting our freedoms in the general aviation arena. He’s running for 3rd District Representative in Kansas .

Terry has always been a huge supporter of the RPA and this list, so I wanted to throw my support behind one that has done so much for our organization and invite all of us to lend a hand in getting him to Washington . We need more folks like Terry in Washington to ensure that our passion for flying remains one of our cherished freedoms.

Good Luck Pumper!

Bill Mills

Blue Sky Yakrobatics, Inc

Owner, Chief Pilot





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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:12 pm    Post subject: Politics and CJ's Reply with quote

Please stop already!



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