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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:37 am    Post subject: Jabiru Reply with quote


I was talking with a gentleman that had a Model 4 for sale complete with
Jabiru 80Hp engine. He told me that he cruises at 2,900 rpm 5 galls/hr (imp)
at 85mph.

Do you have similar figures with your Kitfox as I was a little surprise by
this as I achieve around the same with a 583. (Albeit not with the same low
rpm, noise level and TBO)


Gary Algate

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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 966
Location: Norway

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:48 am    Post subject: Jabiru Reply with quote

On Apr 28, 2006, at 4:39 PM, Algate wrote:
Do you have similar figures with your Kitfox as I was a little
surprise by
this as I achieve around the same with a 583.

Well, it's difficult to say,Gary, because I am not good at numbers. I
know that e.g. my ASI is somewhat 5 MPH over the real speed, when I
compare with the GPS. But then, compensating for the wind, etc. I am
not accurate, it's more a feeling.

Anyway, at 2,900 RPM, I would reach, if not exceed my Vne on my model
3, which is 100 MPH. I usually cruise at 2,600 to 2,700 RPM, which
gives me something like 85 MPH. Since I also had a 582 before, I can
definitively say that the Jabiru engine gives more power than the
Rotax. But I think the question may be in the choice of a propeller.

I have a Jabiru two-bladed fixed-pitch wooden prop of 60 by 38 inches.
My static RPM at WOT is 2,900 and, at level flight: 3,000. I have never
reached anything near the rated 3,300. But I have been told that my
figures are good for a cruising propeller. I think you should ask your
gentleman friend what is his static RPM. I am pretty much sure that it
is higher than mine. If I understand this correctly, from reading the
Jabiru list, he has then a good climbing prop. Which is nice on short
fields. But I have 2,500 ft of asphalt to take off from. So, I am much
better with my slightly higher pitched prop with a nice and economical
lower cruising RPM. Actually, if I just fly around, sight-seeing with a
passenger, I hardly go over 2,400. Why burn much fuel?
From my trip to Belgium, last summer, I calculated my consumption to
be about 14 liters per hour. Since then, I have adjusted the carb
needle one step down (as instructed at 50 hours) and I should burn even
less. But then, again, numbers and statistics are not really my cup of
tea. All I know is that I am very pleased with the Jabiru, it served me
well during the 115 hours I have had it, summer as winter. Never a
problem to start it, even in sub-zero temperature. And yes, it is
incredibly smooth running, compared to the 582.


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Kitfox 3 - Jabiru 2200
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject: Jabiru Reply with quote

Thanks Michel

Gary Algate


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