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Chat Room Comments

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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
Posts: 788
Location: Albion, MI

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:33 am    Post subject: Chat Room Comments Reply with quote

Hello to all:

Hope many of you have had a great adventure to the annual Oshkosh happening.

Some have flamed me, both publicly and privately, for cluttering up the “List” with my weekly Chat Room reminder messages. Some of you have told me that it really serves no purpose other than giving me a place to talk about and advertise my products. Some of you have expressed how much you enjoy the chat room.

The chat room has been going on for over two years, and there have been a lot of collective users. Some are very regular and hardly ever miss; others have stopped by from time to time. It is a great place to bring up thoughts and ideas about building your Zenith Airplane. Over the past months many suggested solutions to questions ask have been offered. It is also a great place to find out, in a 1 on 1 type of situation, how your friends build is progressing.

For the last two weeks I have not sent out any Chat Room notices. For the last two weeks no one has shown up for the Monday evening chat room, other than me. I know that Oshkosh takes a lot of you away from your keyboard and screen. For others this is also family vacation time of year.

I guess it is time to ask some questions about the chat room operation.

Is it time to abandon the chat room?

Should the chat room continue but maybe at a different day and time?

Is there a problem with the format of the chat room?

Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated, both publically and private.

My direct email address is: George(at)MrRace.Com (George(at)MrRace.Com) if you wish to comment directly to me.

This is also a reminder that the Chat Room will be open for business, Monday evening, August 2nd, and 8:00 Eastern Time.

Hope to see many of you there and hear about your Oshkosh adventures!


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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:39 am    Post subject: Chat Room Comments Reply with quote

The only problem I saw with the chat room was technical. It would periodically
log me out or drop me without warning. Others complained of the same thing.

I tried different operating systems and different configurations, thinking the
problem might be on my end. None of these attempts made any noticeable

That has been a factor in my recent absence from the chat room, but the biggie
has simply been that I've been busy. Your chat room reminders made the
difference between me visiting and not visiting the chat room. If I had time,
and got the reminder, I visited. Without a reminder, I'd forget it.

I think your chat room, while it may not attract the masses of individuals, is
a valuable addition to the Zenith community. Thanks for providing it this

On Sunday 01 August 2010 07:32:31 you wrote:
Hello to all:

Hope many of you have had a great adventure to the annual Oshkosh

Some have flamed me, both publicly and privately, for cluttering up the
"List" with my weekly Chat Room reminder messages. Some of you have told
me that it really serves no purpose other than giving me a place to talk
about and advertise my products. Some of you have expressed how much you
enjoy the chat room.

The chat room has been going on for over two years, and there have been a
lot of collective users. Some are very regular and hardly ever miss;
others have stopped by from time to time. It is a great place to bring up
thoughts and ideas about building your Zenith Airplane. Over the past
months many suggested solutions to questions ask have been offered. It is
also a great place to find out, in a 1 on 1 type of situation, how your
friends build is progressing.

For the last two weeks I have not sent out any Chat Room notices. For the
last two weeks no one has shown up for the Monday evening chat room, other
than me. I know that Oshkosh takes a lot of you away from your keyboard
and screen. For others this is also family vacation time of year.

I guess it is time to ask some questions about the chat room operation.

Is it time to abandon the chat room?

Should the chat room continue but maybe at a different day and time?

Is there a problem with the format of the chat room?

Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated, both publically and

My direct email address is: George(at)MrRace.Com if you wish to comment
directly to me.

This is also a reminder that the Chat Room will be open for business,
Monday evening, August 2nd, and 8:00 Eastern Time.

Hope to see many of you there and hear about your Oshkosh adventures!


Jim B. Belcher
BS,MS Physics
General Radio Telephone Certificate
Instrument Rated Pilot
Retired Aerospace Technical Manager
Semi-proficient Househusband

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:56 am    Post subject: Chat Room Comments Reply with quote

I don't attend the chat room but the reminders do not bother me at all.

I say carry on.

-- Craig

On Sunday 01 August 2010 07:32:31 you wrote:
Hello to all:

Hope many of you have had a great adventure to the annual Oshkosh

Some have flamed me, both publicly and privately, for cluttering up
the "List" with my weekly Chat Room reminder messages. Some of you
have told me that it really serves no purpose other than giving me a
place to talk about and advertise my products. Some of you have
expressed how much you enjoy the chat room.

The chat room has been going on for over two years, and there have
been a lot of collective users. Some are very regular and hardly ever
miss; others have stopped by from time to time. It is a great place
to bring up thoughts and ideas about building your Zenith Airplane.
Over the past months many suggested solutions to questions ask have
been offered. It is also a great place to find out, in a 1 on 1 type
of situation, how your friends build is progressing.

For the last two weeks I have not sent out any Chat Room notices. For
the last two weeks no one has shown up for the Monday evening chat
room, other than me. I know that Oshkosh takes a lot of you away from
your keyboard and screen. For others this is also family vacation time of


I guess it is time to ask some questions about the chat room operation.

Is it time to abandon the chat room?

Should the chat room continue but maybe at a different day and time?

Is there a problem with the format of the chat room?

Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated, both publically and

My direct email address is: George(at)MrRace.Com if you wish to comment
directly to me.

This is also a reminder that the Chat Room will be open for business,
Monday evening, August 2nd, and 8:00 Eastern Time.

Hope to see many of you there and hear about your Oshkosh adventures!


Jim B. Belcher
BS,MS Physics
General Radio Telephone Certificate
Instrument Rated Pilot
Retired Aerospace Technical Manager
Semi-proficient Househusband

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:08 am    Post subject: Chat Room Comments Reply with quote


I would encourage you to continue sending out the messages inviting folks to
the chat room. I suspect the room changes address from time to time and
apparently the reminders get you more participants.

For those of us who are recovering computer geeks it is very simple to
automatically direct your reminders to the trash just like I do with some
other regular messages.

I have never been to the chat because I like email and expect there would be
many people at any chat who would love to flame me the whole time I was
there. I don't need that kind of grief.




For the last two weeks I have not sent out any Chat Room notices. For
the last two weeks no one has shown up for the Monday evening chat
room, other than me. I know that Oshkosh takes a lot of you away from
your keyboard and screen. For others this is also family vacation time of


Any comments and suggestions will be appreciated, both publically and

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Joined: 27 Oct 2006
Posts: 380
Location: Fort Worth, Texas

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:48 pm    Post subject: Re: Chat Room Comments Reply with quote

I have attended the chat on many occasions, and it's a lot of fun.

To those who haven't tried it, you should. Every time is different.

It's a great opportunity to get to know fellow builders in "real time", as well as ask and answer questions.

Nobody has ever been flamed that I have seen.

Thanks for doing this, George.

- Pat

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