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Talking and wiring... Burnt Dynon Oil Pressure Sender?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:07 pm    Post subject: Talking and wiring... Burnt Dynon Oil Pressure Sender? Reply with quote

At 12:16 PM 8/5/2010, you wrote:

The other day I made the mistake of asking someone to help me mount my
battery and then holding a conversation along the way. We installed the
battery perfectly but it was backwards. When I flipped the master
switch, the batt wire to the master solenoid got fried. Z-13/8.

Bummer. I've deliberated suggesting that all battery contactors
be fabricated from 4-terminal contactors having the right
combination of diodes installed to prevent such happenings . . .
but this would add complexity to the e-bus alternate feed
architecture too.
When the batt wire burnt, it melted the cover on the oil pressure sender
and presumably shorted it's circuit (I no longer get a reading on the
EFIS). At rest with the engine off, the OP should read zero. It now has
3 red dashes --- in place of the zero. Naturally both wires have been

Question: Has anyone had experience with expired oil sender units and is
it possible to short or damage them? The unit I have came with the Dynon

Contact the guys at Dynon and explain what happened. I've
spoken with several folks there at length on various matters.
I'm betting that they'll make you a good deal on a replacement
pressure transducer.
If things start to point to the sender unit, I want to overnight one to
the hangar for tomorrow.

Hmmmm . . . it's 3 pm there now, suggest you get on the
phone post-haste . . .
Bob . . .

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