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RV7-List Digest: 1 Msgs - 08/22/10

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:16 pm    Post subject: RV7-List Digest: 1 Msgs - 08/22/10 Reply with quote

Two comments related to cowl mounting:

1) The hinge pin along the sides of the cowl is very long and if you don't
use the undersized pin, you may not be able to slide it in without bending
it. Especially down the line when it collects a bit of oil and dust and
what not.

2) I'm not sure what you mean about setting the hinge "up enough" to hide
the loops? The loops should face inward with the flat side of the hinge
mounted to the fiberglass cowling. There should be no appreciable gap
between the cowl halves. Just a little hole in the front for the pin to
slide in. Down the sides, though, it's invisible.

Sorry if I've misunderstood what you're after. Good luck!



Time: 08:40:29 PM PST US
From: "Allen Fulmer" <afulmer(at)>
Subject: Different hinge material on drawings

It has been several years since I inventoried my finish kit so I have kind
of lost track of which hinge goes where and why.
If I understand DWG#45 for RV7 there are two types of hinges material
specified and 2 types of hinge pins:

The side hinges that connect the top and bottom halves are AN257-P3. These
get a .090 stainless pin.

Top, bottom, and sides of cowl use "1/8" piano hinge" (which is different
from AN257-P3), and get a 1/8" SS pin EXCEPT the top hinges that get a .090
SS pin.
Why not use the same 1/8" piano hinge on the cowl sides? (It looks so much
more substantial.) Not as much load I guess?
I had to order the AN257-P3 since I had "cannibalized" some of it (for
something) and I ordered some P3 and P4 (1/8" wider, same pin dia.) figuring
I would make the two side hinges using half P3 and half P4 and set the
bottom half up enough so the "loops" would not show at the parting line
between the cowl halves. Other than being a little anal about it, does
anyone see any problems with this idea?
Other than the increased cost would it be any better to use the extruded
hinge material?
Allen Fulmer

N808AF reserved

RV7 fitting cowl

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