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Pull-up resistors

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:35 pm    Post subject: Pull-up resistors Reply with quote

I'm connecting a GNS430w to a pair of GRT MFD's. GRT calls for 10k ohm pull up resistors to be used on 4 of the interconnects between the MFD's and the Garmin, these resistors are fed with 12VDC and
"T" 'd into the harness.
All this equipment provides for multiple feed paths, and I have fed all 3 from the E-Bus and my Aux bus. I have read that the Garmin will be damaged if these pull ups are not used. So to prevent this in the case of power from the AUX only I built a little pull up network using on a DB25 for a "Home" (Thanks Bob) and fed it from both bus's (E & AUX). Each bus has a 1N4004 diode installed prior to feeding the 4 resistors to prevent the bus's from back feeding. Still with me?
OK so I check it out when done with my Ohmmeter and discover that instead of 10K ohms I have 326K ohms. All but 10K of it of course is from the Diodes. I knew the Diodes had a forward voltage drop, but didn't realize it was this much.
What to do?
Thanks, Tim Andres


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:54 am    Post subject: Pull-up resistors Reply with quote

At 02:26 AM 1/5/2011, you wrote:
I'm connecting a GNS430w to a pair of GRT MFD's. GRT calls for 10k ohm pull up resistors to be used on 4 of the interconnects between the MFD's and the Garmin, these resistors are fed with 12VDC and
"T" 'd into the harness.
All this equipment provides for multiple feed paths, and I have fed all 3 from the E-Bus and my Aux bus. I have read that the Garmin will be damaged if these pull ups are not used.

I kind of doubt this. Some function may not
behave as intended without a resistor but
I don't believe there is risk of damage to
any particular piece of equipment. These
are signal/control wires with VERY low currents
and no potential for destructive fault

So to prevent this in the case of power from the AUX only I built a little pull up network using on a DB25 for a "Home" (Thanks Bob) and fed it from both bus's (E & AUX). Each bus has a 1N4004 diode installed prior to feeding the 4 resistors to prevent the bus's from back feeding. Still with me?
OK so I check it out when done with my Ohmmeter and discover that instead of 10K ohms I have 326K ohms. All but 10K of it of course is from the Diodes. I knew the Diodes had a forward voltage drop, but didn't realize it was this much.

You cannot "measure" the resistance of a diode
with an ohmmeter. Wire per the diagram. No
diodes necessary.

Bob . . .

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