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Year of the Zenith

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:37 pm    Post subject: Year of the Zenith Reply with quote

Hi Everyone,

Here is what we have so far for the "Year of the Zenith" for Oshkosh 2011.
Let's get a conversation going and find out where you would like to go from


Tom Poberezny is putting together a parking place for 50 Zenith airplanes at
Oshkosh 2011. I have asked specifically for the spot on the north side of
the homebuilt parking area. That way we are a short distance from the Zenith
sales area. Now, it's time to see how many of you would like to park your
planes together at EAA. The first time I posted this, I had about 15 E-mail
commitments! Here is what I would like you to do.

If you plan to bring your Zenith to Oshkosh, please send this information to
me by E-mail at backstagelive(at) I will keep your E-mail address and
send you updates as time goes by.

Name / Address / Phone / Do you have a cell phone for Oshkosh - give us that

E-mail address


Number of people in your group

Would you consider flying your plane in the Homebuilt Showcase this year?

If you are not planning to bring your plane to Oshkosh, but you still would
like to participate in Zenith activities and want to keep updates, send me
an E-mail to backstagelive(at)


Tom has mentioned that he would like to do a presentation in Aero Shell
Square with Chris, and have one of each of his designs available for a photo
session. So far we have 2 outstanding airplanes that have committed. Ken
Couillard from Oshkosh would let us use his CH 300 Tri Z, and Al Beyer would
like to use his 601 HDS. If you would like to have your airplane in the
picture, please contact Sebastian at Zenith. We will need every model Zenith
except for the ones listed above.


If you are looking for lodging for this years convention, and you are a
Zenith builder or enthusiast,

the University of Oshkosh Gruenhagen Hall will reserve one entire floor (40
rooms). There is already a waiting list for these rooms. There is a time
limit on this offer. THIS OFFER EXPIRES MONDAY, MARCH 7TH! The cost is $55
per night. Max 2 to a room. After March 7th, the rooms go back to the pool
of people on the reservation list. If we can get these reservations in soon,
we can have the entire floor to ourselves! Transportation is available to
and from the University to the EAA on a very regular basis.

If you would like to stay at Gruenhagen Hall, please call me at
920-237-1450. I have an application form I can E-mail you. When calling,
please leave me your name, phone number, and how many will be in the room.


Tom mentioned that it would be fun to have a Zenith Aircraft Review before
one of the air shows. This would be a lot of fun, very good for Zenith
sales, and very easy to set up. Please let me know if you would like to fly
your plane in the review.


If we have a full 50 airplane commitment, which I am almost certain we will,
should we look into memorabilia like hats and T shirts that have "Year of
the Zenith" or something like that printed on them? Should the factory
sponsor an award for best homebuilt Zenith on the field? If you do, Zenith
can give the award in the Theatre in the Woods during the last day of the
convention along with the regular EAA awards. It would be fun to have the
Chris Heintz workmanship award given every year at EAA on a Zenith product!
What are your thoughts?

Should the people that fly their Zenith airplanes to Oshkosh get a plaque or
cup? This would be a great thing to give out and we could find an aviation
parts vender that would support this financially. Do you know of any
Aircraft type business that would fund such a project?

Thanks everyone! Your input and comments will be greatly appreciated. This
will be a great year at EAA for Zenith builders. Please let me know if you
are coming as soon as possible.

Joe Scheibinger
2809 Scenic Drive
Oshkosh, WI 54904


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Tim Juhl

Joined: 21 Mar 2006
Posts: 488
Location: "Thumb" of Michigan

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:58 am    Post subject: Re: Year of the Zenith Reply with quote

All very have certainly been busy! Do you have Zenith on board for the activities that would involve them?

I take it there was no progress in arranging for a Zenith builders camping area in Camp Scholler?


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Champ L16A flying
Zodiac XL - Jabiru 3300A
Almost done! It'll fly in spring!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:35 am    Post subject: Year of the Zenith Reply with quote

Hi Tim,

Everything that is done is run by Sebastian first! Zenith is on board for

I haven't put anything together with EAA over the campsite. I will bring
that up in tomorrow's big post. I have a huge surprise for everybody


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Joined: 15 Jun 2009
Posts: 170

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:53 pm    Post subject: Re: Year of the Zenith Reply with quote

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Last edited by sabrina on Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:39 am    Post subject: Year of the Zenith Reply with quote

Hi Sabrina,

From what I have heard from the Company, Chris is confirmed to be there for
the week of EAA. All the CH festivities not counting the banquet and

seminars will be held on monday, which is designated by EAA as "Chris Heintz
Day". Let me know if you plan on attending with your plane. I will reserve a
parking spot for you in the Zenith parking.. If you need accomidations,
please let me know and I can help finding you some.

Joe in Oshkosh.

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