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Thrust - Over Rated-Overstated?

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:31 am    Post subject: Thrust - Over Rated-Overstated? Reply with quote

The slip or cavitation is something that surprised me as I tried to find the
best pitch for my Avid Flyer. That engine is a 582 with 2.58:1 gears and a
68" GSC. I don't recall the exact numbers, but I believe my overpitched
static rpm was 5800 regardless of 15 degrees setting or 17 degrees. The
funny part was that with 17 degrees pitch it pulled my rpms down to around
4200 as my airspeed climbed. 15 degrees must have been the edge of the
static stall as the rpm's increased with airspeed from that setting. Sorry
if my describing the pitch in degrees is confusing. GSC uses a protractor
which relates to the actual pitch. You guys are way over my head on most
of this, but I'm trying to keep up. Ron NB Ore
PS: Short post due to exccess time on hand.

From: kurt schrader <smokey_bear_40220(at)>
Reply-To: kitfox-list(at)
To: kitfox-list(at)
Subject: RE: Re: Thrust - Over Rated
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 22:12:29 -0700 (PDT)


You guys are too fast for me to get back to you...
Simple becomes complex, or is it just me lately? You
are right. I don't have time to shorten this!


Those little racers that are trying to get as much as
possible out of the same size little engine use props
that are way over-pitched for takeoff. I was told
they were stalled at the beginning of the roll, but
now I don't know. Isn't someone here a racer who can
tell us? Maybe they are still light enough to get
going stalled then the prop grabs when it unstalls on
the roll.

Kurt S.


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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:03 pm    Post subject: Thrust - Over Rated-Overstated? Reply with quote


Great to have you jump in and yes that is good info
you give. You made it practical, not just
theoritical. "Cavitation" = good word. Like a
spinning tire, when it grabs, RPM drops, but plane

Kurt S.

PS: It is storming out - lots of time. Smile

--- ron schick <roncarolnikko(at)> wrote:

The slip or cavitation is something that surprised
me as I tried to find the
best pitch for my Avid Flyer. That engine is a 582
with 2.58:1 gears and a
68" GSC. I don't recall the exact numbers, but I
believe my overpitched
static rpm was 5800 regardless of 15 degrees setting
or 17 degrees. The
funny part was that with 17 degrees pitch it pulled
my rpms down to around
4200 as my airspeed climbed. 15 degrees must have
been the edge of the
static stall as the rpm's increased with airspeed
from that setting. Sorry
if my describing the pitch in degrees is confusing.
GSC uses a protractor
which relates to the actual pitch. You guys are
way over my head on most
of this, but I'm trying to keep up. Ron NB Ore
PS: Short post due to exccess time on hand.


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