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There was a time when 488,000 pound airplanes were pretty

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:47 am    Post subject: There was a time when 488,000 pound airplanes were pretty Reply with quote

At 08:43 AM 5/6/2011, you wrote:
Many years ago, I flew as a Electronic Warfare Officer crew member aboard the B-52E on the first exploration of the B-52 in a low-level mission role as well as many hours on "Chrome Dome" nuclear airborne alert - at the time, it was the most massive airframe to leave the ground - now seems like a light weight {:>).

Hmmmm . . . low level stuff . . . did your pilots
have the pleasure of flying that so-called terrain
avoidance radar?

I worked on a crew tasked with aligning the radar's
display processor (lots of vacuum tubes) on E and
F models being recycled through Wichita for
upgrades. It took 3 shifts to run the alignment
procedure during which it was not uncommon to take
3 or more modules up to the lab for "repairs or

Those might have been infant mortality issues. It
was a brand-new-out-of-the-box processor
from Raytheon. I often wondered what the failure
rate was for these things in the field. I hope that
nobody ever had to fly head-down with one of those
things in anger . . . it didn't take much drift
to use up those 200' margins for clearing the hilltops
and/or keeping your wing tips off the canyon walls!

Bob . . . [quote][b]

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