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Aircraft security, was Key Ignition Switch

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:29 am    Post subject: Aircraft security, was Key Ignition Switch Reply with quote

Hi All-

A couple thoughts on security: I can't speak to this definitively, but I
doubt there is a huge market for stolen homebuilts. They stand out on the
'secondary' market much more than a spam can, and generally don't carry the
load a drug runner might prefer. Consequently, I suspect aircraft such as
a Glastar, or my RV, aren't likely to ever be a theft target.

For peace of mind sake, though, something like a prop lock and chain is
probably quite effective. Although they aren't all that difficult to
overcome by those who know how to do it, it does make it harder and more
dangerous to mess with that plane than the one sitting right next to it.
The potential problem with anti-theft devices in the cabin is the damage a
crook might do in the process of breaking in, only to discover he can't
take the plane.

As I understand it, by far and away the biggest theft hazard comes from bad
guys using keys to gain entry to plane 'A', swiping the radios, installing
them in plane 'B', and then selling plane 'B's radios. To me, this only
increases the attractiveness of face mounted radios. They're not very
common and therefore have a limited resale market, and they're a whole lot
more difficult / impractical to swipe.

The argument could be made to leave the plane (or your car) unlocked to
prevent unauthorized entry damage, and just not leave any loose valuables

In my case, I also have a non-intuitive switch configuration required for
start. It's not complex, it doesn't add any potential points of failure
once the engine is running, but I've yet to have any pilot friends figure
it out. It does not include a key switch. Among other things, as I recall
it, there are only a dozen or so keys in all of GA. Someone who
perpetrates these evils in all likelihood already has a key to the switch
you have yet to buy...


Glen Matejcek

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