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Wifes maiden voyage

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Pat Reilly

Joined: 06 Aug 2009
Posts: 345

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 6:25 am    Post subject: Wifes maiden voyage Reply with quote

Lynn, When did you get TIG setup? Did you take any lessons? I took the wife up for her maiden voyage in the Kitfox yesterday early evening, no thermals. We flew to Broadhead for a touch and go and back to Cottonwood, 1.1 hr flight. She said she was scared on takeoff and climb out. After that she loved flying at 1200' AGL along the Sugar river. She wants to know when we can go again.
Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild

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Lynn Matteson

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 2778
Location: Grass Lake, Michigan

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:59 am    Post subject: Wifes maiden voyage Reply with quote

I got it over a year ago. Mine is the Diversion 165 by Miller. I used
a TIG welder back in 1970 at the wind tunnel, but haven't used one
(except for an occasional drop-in at the welding booths at Oshkosh)
since then. I was pretty good at oxy-acetylene welding, and so I
thought this was going to be a piece of cake....wrong. It took me a
little while to adjust to this machine, which has a torch-mounted amp
control, that you operate with your thumb or finger. At first I
couldn't determine how much amperage to set on the machine, so I
bought the foot pedal control so I didn't have to try to fiddle with
the thumb thing. One I got the feel for where to set the amp control,
and got my foot educated, I could go right along and make good welds,
then I went back to the thumb control, and have been happy ever
since. One thing I was doing wrong was trying to melt the rod with
the torch and hitting the tungsten with the rod, and that just messes
things up. Once I learned to dip the rod into the molten puddle, I
was off and running.

When are you gonna teach her to fly it?

Lynn Matteson
Kitfox IV Speedster, taildragger
Jabiru 2200, #2062
Prince prop (64 x 30, P-tip)
Electroair direct-fire ignition system
Rotec TBI-40 injection (sleeved to 36mm)
Status: flying with "Ramcharger" intake manifold...1110 hrs (since

On May 29, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Patrick Reilly wrote:

Lynn, When did you get TIG setup? Did you take any lessons? I took
the wife up for her maiden voyage in the Kitfox yesterday early
evening, no thermals. We flew to Broadhead for a touch and go and
back to Cottonwood, 1.1 hr flight. She said she was scared on
takeoff and climb out. After that she loved flying at 1200' AGL
along the Sugar river. She wants to know when we can go again.

Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild

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Kitfox IV-Jabiru 2200
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Pat Reilly

Joined: 06 Aug 2009
Posts: 345

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:31 am    Post subject: Wifes maiden voyage Reply with quote

Lynn, I wanted her to at least grab the stick...aahhh control stick that is. But she refused. She has enough trouble driving a car, but I will continue to try to get her to try taking the controls.

Pat Reilly
On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Lynn Matteson <lynnmatt(at) (lynnmatt(at)> wrote:
--> Kitfox-List message posted by: Lynn Matteson <lynnmatt(at) (lynnmatt(at)>

I got it over a year ago. Mine is the Diversion 165 by Miller. I used a TIG welder back in 1970 at the wind tunnel, but haven't used one (except for an occasional drop-in at the welding booths at Oshkosh) since then. I was pretty good at oxy-acetylene welding, and so I thought this was going to be a piece of cake....wrong. It took me a little while to adjust to this machine, which has a torch-mounted amp control, that you operate with your thumb or finger. At first I couldn't determine how much amperage to set on the machine, so I bought the foot pedal control so I didn't have to try to fiddle with the thumb thing. One I got the feel for where to set the amp control, and got my foot educated, I could go right along and make good welds, then I went back to the thumb control, and have been happy ever since. One thing I was doing wrong was trying to melt the rod with the torch and hitting the tungsten with the rod, and that just messes things up. Once I learned to dip the rod into the molten puddle, I was off and running.

When are you gonna teach her to fly it?

Lynn Matteson
Kitfox IV Speedster, taildragger
Jabiru 2200, #2062
Prince prop (64 x 30, P-tip)
Electroair direct-fire ignition system
Rotec TBI-40 injection (sleeved to 36mm)
Status: flying with "Ramcharger" intake manifold...1110 hrs (since 3-27-2006)

On May 29, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Patrick Reilly wrote:

Lynn, When did you get TIG setup? Did you take any lessons? I took the wife up for her maiden voyage in the Kitfox yesterday early evening, no thermals. We flew to Broadhead for a touch and go and back to Cottonwood, 1.1 hr flight. She said she was scared on takeoff and climb out. After that she loved flying at 1200' AGL along the Sugar river. She wants to know when we can go again.

Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild
< browse" target="_blank">" target="_blank">
Matt Dralle, List Admin.

Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild

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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:04 pm    Post subject: Wifes maiden voyage Reply with quote

You’re a lucky man if you got your wife hooked on the Kitfox, a friend of ours took my wife and I to Green Bay in his 414 for lunch, it was bumpy and my wife got sick, (ya, that kind of sick), so now she says she has no desire to fly in the Kitfox, I have some work ahead of me.

Lloyd Cudnohufsky
5 Outback 912 IVO IFA
Northern Mi.

From: owner-kitfox-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-kitfox-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Patrick Reilly
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 9:22 AM
To: kitfox-list(at)
Subject: Wifes maiden voyage

Lynn, When did you get TIG setup? Did you take any lessons? I took the wife up for her maiden voyage in the Kitfox yesterday early evening, no thermals. We flew to Broadhead for a touch and go and back to Cottonwood, 1.1 hr flight. She said she was scared on takeoff and climb out. After that she loved flying at 1200' AGL along the Sugar river. She wants to know when we can go again.
Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild

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Pat Reilly

Joined: 06 Aug 2009
Posts: 345

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 3:31 pm    Post subject: Wifes maiden voyage Reply with quote

Lloyd, My wife had been up with me in a 150 1 year ago. It was bumpy as hell. She thought that was normal. I had to explain, no that was about as bad as she should expect. Last summer a friend of mine from Cedar, MI took us up in his 172�club plane out of Traverse City. It was unbelievabley smooth. Joyce was impressed. I made sure there wasn't any thermal activity all day the evening I took�her up. She said it sure didn't seem like we were up for�a full 1.1 hrs. I hope the next flight is as good as the 1st. Joyce and I are going to be lighthouse keepers at the Old Mission lighthouse sometime in August. My brother and his wife were last year and we were visiting him and my friend in Cedar.
Oh, by the way this is my 2nd wife. The 1st one threatened to divorce me when I went partners on an ultralite 25 years ago.

Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuilt
Rockford, IL

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Lloyd & Lorrie Cudnohufsky <7suds(at) (7suds(at)> wrote:

You�re a lucky man if you got your wife hooked on the Kitfox, a friend of ours took my wife and I to Green Bay in his 414 for lunch, it was bumpy and my wife got sick, (ya, that kind of sick), so now she says she has no desire to fly in the Kitfox, I have some work ahead of me.

Lloyd Cudnohufsky
5 Outback 912 IVO IFA
Northern Mi.

From: owner-kitfox-list-server(at) (owner-kitfox-list-server(at) [mailto:owner-kitfox-list-server(at) (owner-kitfox-list-server(at)] On Behalf Of Patrick Reilly
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 9:22 AM
To: kitfox-list(at) (kitfox-list(at)
Subject: Wifes maiden voyage

Lynn, When did you get TIG setup? Did you take any lessons? I took the wife up for her maiden voyage in the Kitfox yesterday early evening, no thermals. We flew to Broadhead for a touch and go and back to Cottonwood, 1.1 hr flight. She said she was scared on takeoff and climb out. After that she loved flying at 1200' AGL along the Sugar river. She wants to know when we can go again.
Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild


Pat Reilly
Mod 3 582 Rebuild

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