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Europa-List: Weight of HPL 3 blade warp drive prop for ref

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:42 am    Post subject: Europa-List: Weight of HPL 3 blade warp drive prop for ref Reply with quote

Hi Ian,

Unless I am much mistaken, Graeme is fitting a Woodcomp assembly - not

I just had a look at the figures when I changed from a tapered blade Warp
drive to my Woodcomp SR3000.

Warp Drive (with spinner) 4.9kg.
Woodcomp (with spinner) 12.5 kg

However I believe Graemes Warp prop is not the tapered variety (bigger
engine) and his Woodcomp is a later spec than mine (mine is all wood -
Scimitar shape). Figures should be similar though.



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graeme bird

Joined: 15 Jul 2010
Posts: 434

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:40 am    Post subject: Re: Woodcomp install Reply with quote

Well I have fitted to Woodcomp 3000/3W and done a couple of short initial test flights. The LAA test schedule seems to imply that I might need to adjust the microswitch positions but the Woodcomp manual says this should only be done at the factory. Did anyone find it necessary to adjust them and if so did they do it themselves of get Kevin involved? I guess I am asking Carl and David.

So far the take off seems much more rapid, but then it seemed to stop accelerating at just above 60kts and I have to go to climb and put the gear up. The top end doesnt seem that much faster but then I may not have been applying full power. Not sure whether to display pressure or HP on the controller.

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Graeme Bird
kit4 (Wagstaff) TBD
Kit3 G-CLXU (Gregory) mono 914 xs Woodcomp
Kit2 G-PATS - (kesterton) Mono Classic 912 warpdrive
Kit 1 G-UMPY - Mono Classic/XS 912S, Woodcomp G(@)
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:41 pm    Post subject: Europa-List: Weight of HPL 3 blade warp drive prop for ref Reply with quote


I think David Joyce has pretty well answered your question. If David cant
find his instructions for setting the micro-switches I also have a set

Setting the max static RPM is fairly straightforward ( make sure you tie the
plane down well !).

You will also need to make sure that you can get a positive climb rate of
about 300 fpm in fully coarse pitch - this took some doing in our case -
with the 80hp engine that's nigh on impossible but should be easily
achievable with the 100 hp engine. That's with the flaps (and in our case
gear) down. Retracted it climbs fine.

The point behind this is that should the motor fail in coarse pitch you
should be able to climb to a safe height in a "go around" situation.

I guess that with a Tri Gear if the electrical power failed and the prop was
stuck in coarse with the flaps down you would have to be able to climb in
this situation. With a mono its relatively easy to raise the gear (as its


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:44 pm    Post subject: Europa-List: Weight of HPL 3 blade warp drive prop for ref Reply with quote

PS: the normal setting for the manifold pressure gauge is PRESSURE - not
sure why but once you get used to working with this its fine.


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