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State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:48 am    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

Just finished some testing of an almost-ready-for-
prime-time board assembly. Thermal performance for
the power transistors that control lamps says we
can use this board for 100w tungsten landing/taxi
lamps too.

The thing fits into our standard 15-pin enclosure


I've got it running on the bench right now flashing
55w halogen lamps. They look pretty good in the triple-
flash mode too. So it will be up to the user. LED or
Tungsten, single or triple flash wig-wag.

I'm working on the installation documents and hope to
publish to the catalog yet today. I'll also be publishing
the software, ecb layout and bills of materials under
the open source philosophy.

The software allows control of landing/taxi lights from
a single, two-pole, progressive transfer switch.

Down = OFF

Mid = Taxi

Up (after 1 second) = Taxi + Landing

Moving directly from OFF to full up
will get you Wig Wag operations.

A jumper in the plug will choose either single
or triple-flash operation.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:44 am    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

At 12:47 PM 11/30/2012, you wrote:
Just finished some testing of an almost-ready-for-
prime-time board assembly. Thermal performance for
the power transistors that control lamps says we
can use this board for 100w tungsten landing/taxi
lamps too.

Here's a video of the POC board driving 55w
halogen lamps in a triple-flash mode.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:47 pm    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:00 pm    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

Greetings all,

I was wondering if there is a standard way of placarding the switch for an item like this. Obviously just indicating positions doesn't do it. I'm wondering if there is a standard format for displaying the time dependent nature of the switch's function. If none exists, perhaps it is something that could be developed by this list.

I personally don't like this sort of time dependent function control. I'd rather have 2 switches or a rotary switch. I recognise this is the way things are done with a minimum of hardware, but I just thought I'd take this opportunity to grumble and complain about it. Smile
Raymond Julian
Kettle River, MN.

"And you know that I could have me a million more friends,
and all I'd have to lose is my point of view." - John Prine
On 11/30/2012 12:47 PM, Robert L. Nuckolls, III wrote:

Just finished some testing of an almost-ready-for-
prime-time board assembly. Thermal performance for
the power transistors that control lamps says we
can use this board for 100w tungsten landing/taxi
lamps too.

The thing fits into our standard 15-pin enclosure
=================Deleted image to allow reply.===============
I've got it running on the bench right now flashing
55w halogen lamps. They look pretty good in the triple-
flash mode too. So it will be up to the user. LED or
Tungsten, single or triple flash wig-wag.

I'm working on the installation documents and hope to
publish to the catalog yet today. I'll also be publishing
the software, ecb layout and bills of materials under
the open source philosophy.

The software allows control of landing/taxi lights from
a single, two-pole, progressive transfer switch.

Down = OFF

Mid = Taxi

Up (after 1 second) = Taxi + Landing

Moving directly from OFF to full up
will get you Wig Wag operations.

A jumper in the plug will choose either single
or triple-flash operation.

Bob . . . [b]

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:39 pm    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

At 03:59 PM 11/30/2012, you wrote:
Greetings all,

I was wondering if there is a standard way of placarding the switch for an item like this. Obviously just indicating positions doesn't do it.


----- WIG/WAG -----



Would be pretty graphic for a pair
of switches.

I'm wondering if there is a standard format for displaying the time dependent nature of the switch's function. If none exists, perhaps it is something that could be developed by this list.

I personally don't like this sort of time dependent function control. I'd rather have 2 switches or a rotary switch. I recognise this is the way things are done with a minimum of hardware, but I just thought I'd take this opportunity to grumble and complain about it. Smile

It's not a 'complex' time function. If you had
separate landing and taxi light switches, you turn
on either one, pause 1 second and turn on the
second and you get both lights on steady. If they're
side by side, you flip them both up at the same time
and you've got wig-wag.

You CAN treat this as a raw flasher and let it run
all the time in the desired wig-wag mode and use
switches OUTSIDE the controller's logic features
to produce what ever switch functionality you wish.

The installation options will describe these features
in detail. It was originally intended to be an alterative
to the integration snafu that we encountered with the
automotive, 3-terminal relay flashers with LED landing
lights. But as we pondered the features available in
software and how much hardware would fit into the
stock enclosure, it ended up being pretty much a one-
size-fits-all for both LED/Tungsten and a host of
control options.

Bob . . . [quote][b]

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:04 pm    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote

My question was how do you placard the single switch operation:

The software allows control of landing/taxi lights from
a single, two-pole, progressive transfer switch.

Down = OFF

Mid = Taxi

Up (after 1 second) = Taxi + Landing

**************** OR **********************

Moving directly from OFF to full up
will get you Wig Wag operations.

Agreed, it's not a "complex" timing control. How does a pilot looking at that switch, or switches, for the 1st time know that the same switch position represents a different function depending on the time between changing of switch positions?

It's not a 'complex' time function. If you had
separate landing and taxi light switches, you turn
on either one, pause 1 second and turn on the
second and you get both lights on steady. If they're
side by side, you flip them both up at the same time
and you've got wig-wag.

I suppose you could placard it "RTFM" but that seems less than optimal.
Raymond Julian
Kettle River, MN.

"And you know that I could have me a million more friends,
and all I'd have to lose is my point of view." - John Prine
On 11/30/2012 04:39 PM, Robert L. Nuckolls, III wrote:

[quote] At 03:59 PM 11/30/2012, you wrote:
Greetings all,

I was wondering if there is a standard way of placarding the switch for an item like this. Obviously just indicating positions doesn't do it.


----- WIG/WAG -----



Would be pretty graphic for a pair
of switches.

I'm wondering if there is a standard format for displaying the time dependent nature of the switch's function. If none exists, perhaps it is something that could be developed by this list.

I personally don't like this sort of time dependent function control. I'd rather have 2 switches or a rotary switch. I recognise this is the way things are done with a minimum of hardware, but I just thought I'd take this opportunity to grumble and complain about it. Smile

It's not a 'complex' time function. If you had
separate landing and taxi light switches, you turn
on either one, pause 1 second and turn on the
second and you get both lights on steady. If they're
side by side, you flip them both up at the same time
and you've got wig-wag.

You CAN treat this as a raw flasher and let it run
all the time in the desired wig-wag mode and use
switches OUTSIDE the controller's logic features
to produce what ever switch functionality you wish.

The installation options will describe these features
in detail. It was originally intended to be an alterative
to the integration snafu that we encountered with the
automotive, 3-terminal relay flashers with LED landing
lights. But as we pondered the features available in
software and how much hardware would fit into the
stock enclosure, it ended up being pretty much a one-
size-fits-all for both LED/Tungsten and a host of
control options.

Bob . . .


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:54 pm    Post subject: State of the O.S. Wig-Wag Project Reply with quote


Agreed, it's not a "complex" timing control. How does a pilot looking at that switch, or switches, for the 1st time know that the same switch position represents a different function depending on the time between changing of switch positions?

There are things about some airplanes that
one finds out by reading a POH . . . or getting
checked out by a pilot with experience with
the airplane. The J-3 I owned was hard
to get started in cold weather unless you
knew the 'trick'. I would never have known
about it if the guy who checked me out in it
hadn't told me how to do it. Some owners
have 'hidden' battery master or starter
switches to discourage theft.

The time dependent control has some appeal
for the single switch control option which
is indeed a new thing. Until this new feature
became a reality, it was pretty common to
have one switch per lamp and some combination
of positions for individual operation +
wig-wag mode.


But there's probably no clear
placarding to describe this operation. I'll
bet owner of the airplane won't have any problem
with it should he choose to use a single switch

If both lights are aimed the same, then perhaps
a separate taxi position isn't needed. You
could have a single three position switch that
would control both lights on at the same time
or wig-wag. Probably the only time you'd have
a separate taxi light is with a tail dragger
where taxi lights are usually aimed lower for
good illumination on the ground.

Bob . . .

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