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Europa-List Digest: 2 Msgs - 12/02/12

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:00 am    Post subject: Europa-List Digest: 2 Msgs - 12/02/12 Reply with quote

I am working with Bud on my cooling problem and have his cooling flap installed - think this is the ticket along with the oil thermostat - which I haven't installed yet. I have been experimenting with various tape combinations - my results are tentative and require some more careful data gathering.

It appears that the oil temp is not much influenced by the amount of tape covering the radiator, and is somewhat affected by the outside temperature. In my plane, the cooling is too good and the plane runs too cool. This is an engine efficiency problem, but more importantly in the north, a heater problem. The amount of tape on the oil radiator doesn't seem to affect the heater output. (Duh, it is lower than the water radiator and much lower than the heater intake.) Higher oil temperatures do not seem to affect the water temperatures, at least in the range I have experimented with.

The water temperature is greatly affected by the amount of tape covering the water radiator. At the margin a small change in tape will greatly affect the CHT. For example, going from covering 1/2 the radiator to 3/4 of the radiator made the CHT climb from 170 to 270 and resulted in boiling over the radiator (lost about a cup.) When in cruise in this config (1/2 tape to 3/4 tape) the temps went from 170 to 180 or so. The heater output was better than when running at 160 with no tape. The high sensitivity in the temps due to the changes in airflow at the margin suggests that a permanent (non-cockpit controllable blocking of the radiator) is not a good idea.

I have put a little sheet metal box around the top right rear of the water radiator and that is doing a better job of directing the air. It is however, not yet sufficient, particularly for she that must be obeyed. I think Bud's idea is the way to go with a flap, but we put on a wimpy cable (which also doesn't hold open except with a vise grip)and the flap may be too weak - the result being when I pull the flap shut the flap doesn't close well - resulting in little no decrease in airflow - what may be happening is that the air flow is just speeding up and I see no different in the CHT with the flap closed or open.

On my to do list:

Need to move coolant temp to show on EIS - presently I don't display water temp on the EIS or HX - only shows when I get a warning.

I need better data. On the day I tested I either had strange inversion with OAT at altitude higher than on ground, or engine temp affected OAT sensor in the carb box.

I may have to seal up the flap better with cowling rubber to cut down the air flow.

I must repeat to myself it is called an experimental aircraft for a reason.

Gary Leinberger
Lancaster, Pa.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:35 am    Post subject: Europa-List Digest: 2 Msgs - 12/02/12 Reply with quote

peanut gallery comment:� if one goal is use the rad/oil cooler outputs for cabin heat, would it not be better to put the flap on the outlet (instead of the inlet)? this way the slower (and thus hotter) behind-the-radiator-air would be forced into the cabin heat duct. There would also be higher pressure on the heater duct over the inlet-size reduction method.

no?� (I was also planning on using radiator heat some day.... when i get my parts into formation)

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Gary Leinberger <Gary.Leinberger(at) (Gary.Leinberger(at)> wrote:
[quote]--> Europa-List message posted by: Gary Leinberger <Gary.Leinberger(at) (Gary.Leinberger(at)>

I am working with Bud on my cooling problem and have his cooling flap installed - think this is the ticket along with the oil thermostat - which I haven't installed yet. �I have been experimenting with various tape combinations - my results are tentative and require some more careful data gathering.

It appears that the oil temp is not much influenced by the amount of tape covering the radiator, and is somewhat affected by the outside temperature. In my plane, the cooling is too good and the plane runs too cool. This is an engine efficiency problem, but more importantly in the north, a heater problem. The amount of tape on the oil radiator doesn't seem to affect the heater output. (Duh, it is lower than the water radiator and much lower than the heater intake.) Higher oil temperatures do not seem to affect the water temperatures, at least in the range I have experimented with.

The water temperature is greatly affected by the amount of tape covering the water radiator. At the margin a small change in tape will greatly affect the CHT. For example, going from covering 1/2 the radiator to 3/4 of the radiator made the CHT climb from 170 to 270 and resulted in boiling over the radiator (lost about a cup.) When in cruise in this config (1/2 tape to 3/4 tape) the temps went from 170 to 180 or so. The heater output was better than when running at 160 with no tape. The high sensitivity in the temps due to the changes in airflow at the margin suggests that a permanent (non-cockpit controllable blocking of the radiator) is not a good idea.

I have put a little sheet metal box around the top right rear of the water radiator and that is doing a better job of directing the air. It is however, not yet sufficient, particularly for she that must be obeyed. I think Bud's idea is the way to go with a flap, but we put on a wimpy cable (which also doesn't hold open except with a vise grip)and the flap may be too weak - the result being when I pull the flap shut the flap doesn't close well - resulting in little no decrease in airflow - what may be happening is that the air flow is just speeding up and I see no different in the CHT with the flap closed or open.

On my to do list:

Need to move coolant temp to show on EIS - presently I don't display water temp on the EIS or HX - only shows when I get a warning.

I need better data. On the day I tested I either had strange inversion with OAT at altitude higher than on ground, or engine temp affected OAT sensor in the carb box.

I may have to seal up the flap better with cowling rubber to cut down the air flow.

I must repeat to myself it is called an experimental aircraft for a reason.

Gary Leinberger
gleinberger(at) (gleinberger(at)
Lancaster, Pa.

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le, List Admin.


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