ajroseca(at)nf.sympatico. Guest
Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:33 am Post subject: Zenith701801-List Digest: 0 Msgs - 03/17/13 |
Hi guys
I have a friend who is looking at buying a scratch built ch-701..
This aircraft has a A65 Continental engine rated at 65 hp and engine is 74
years old.
The engine dry weights 175 lbs so it would be beyond the maximum engine
allowed for the 701.. with prop , oil, exhaust, mount, etc it would be well
over the
maximum engine weight for the 701 recommended..Also the engine has to be
propped as it has no electric start..The aircraft does not fall in the
ultralight category
for Canada so is under the homebuilt experimental category..Cruise on this
engine is 2150
rpm and redline is 2300.. The 65 hp engine does not seem to be much power
for a ch701
Am I missing something here..I would appreciate and thoughts or suggestions
on this
aircraft..Also what would be the minimum HP required and suggested for this
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