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Ducati ignition modules for the Rotax 912

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:13 am    Post subject: Ducati ignition modules for the Rotax 912 Reply with quote

At 06:58 PM 8/25/2013, you wrote:
Bob, Lockwood returned the defective modules along with the new ones and when my customer said he was going to pitch them if I didn't want them I took both. If you would like to examine them I'd be happy to mail them out to you.

Rick Girard
do not archive

It isn't necessary to have relatives in Kansas City in order to be unhappy.
- Groucho Marx

I think these are potted and anyhow, I don't
have any knowledge of or means to test
functionality . . . but thanks for the offer
my friend.

I've been OFF List pretty much for the
last 10 days, son Zach and Dr. Dee have
been testing their entrepreneurial wings
in a shaved ice/cotton candy business that
caters to parties, festivals, and other
public events.

I'm the roustabout, gofer and general
maintenance for the crew. Interesting
business. Two week ends ago, we did a
"Old Settlers Day" event in Mulvane, KS.
Perhaps 5000 folks circulated through
the area. Did a land-office business.
What's more, the promoters only charged
$25 to be there . . . to pay for really
nice AC mains available at the set-up site.
Did the Black Top Nationals event in
Wichita this past weekend. They charged
$500 for access to what was claimed would
be 100,000+ visitors and we had to burn
30 gallons of gas and lug a generator.
(I've figured out a way to quiet those
little one-lung put-puts down . . .
ESSENTIAL to personal health, safety
and mental stability!). Made some money
but not nearly commensurate with the
expenses and $time$ for all who

It's been an interesting peek into the
variables of merchandising. That old saw
about 'build a better mousetrap' has
lured many a talented individual to
disappointed outcomes . . . this ain't
necessarily rocket science but it IS
a technical and psychological art
supported with real SWEAT equity.

I'll stick with herding electrons and
thrashing bytes . . . much more
predictable, lower capital investment
and risks. But I'm pleased to be of
service to the family in this new endeavor
and intently interested in watching
their deliberations and decisions in the
practice of spontaneous order that is so
essential to all successful endeavors.

Anyhow, back at the keyboard for a couple
of weeks . . .

Bob . . . [quote][b]

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