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I've come to a decision!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:49 pm    Post subject: I've come to a decision! Reply with quote

To All the Guys that took the time to give their opinion regarding "The
Perfect Engine"

First of all, thanks!! I really do value your experience and opinion.
Basically, it appears as though most of you recommend the Rotax 912 (
least). So in other words, at least 80 HP.

As I stated, though, I already have an engine/prop combination. (GEO 3
cyl w/ Raven Redrive)What you have given me is the feeling I would be MUCH
better off with the "Bolt-On Turbo" Jeron, at Raven Redrives, has done all
the "legwork" and fabricating for the turbo to simply bolt right on the 1000
CC 3 cylinder. By putting the turbo on the GEO it will be more like the
912UL than the 582, which is its closest "comparison" right now.

I began building my MkIII back in 1999. ( I got side-tracked!!) I have
had my engine/prop running a few years ago. It really does "kick butt".
But, as I also stated, I never finished actually building the plane. About
all I have left to do is install fabric. And now, since I've let it sit so
long, I have to replace the Lexan, do some paint touch up, etc.

As some of you will recall, when I joined this "Group" about 4 months
ago, I mentioned I am changing my new home A LOT!!! (Yeah, me personally.)
I have hauled 35 dump truck loads of grass, old concrete, and dirt away.
I have been building a swimming pool (I'll finish it this week), poured 50
yards of concrete for my RV parking, (done), poured the foundation for the
airplane shop (20' X 32'). I am within a few days of beginning the
framing on my shop. I anticipate one and a half months to finish the
shop. I said all that to say this; As soon as my shop is
finished I am going to get back to working on my Kolb. Yay!!!

I look forward to seeing many of you at Monument Valley. (I'll be taking
photos of your neat ideas, and incorporating them in my MkIII). I should
be able to get back to working on the MkIII soon after I get back. And
then, I don't have to be a fence hanger anymore!!!

Again, thanks for your input re: the engine. It is evident to me I will
want 80 or so HP for my MkIII.
Mike in SW Utah (with a soon to be
finished shop for my airplanes!!)

The average US Credit Score is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian.

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