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Joined: 05 Jun 2006
Posts: 23
Location: Malvern, PA

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:22 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

I now own an airplane! This morning I received my airworthiness certificate for my Firefly, N7057K, serial # "CD-1".

The inspector certainly looked over the paperwork, but seemed more interested in helping me get it filled out to a acceptable level, not on gigging me for mistakes. He did spend about 30 minutes inspecting the airplane, and made a few suggestions. While he was not overly picky, I got the definite impression that had he found anything he considered dangerous, he would have failed me unless it could be corrected. As usual when dealing with government, the person you are dealing with is more important then the details of the regulations.

I am now confined to 10 Nm's around Smoketown, PA for 5 hours.

Also, regrading a point raised on a few earlier posts: My plane's builder is officially listed as "Kolb". The instructions which came with the original registration stated that (as you would expect) the builder would normally be the applicant. However, as the FAA understood you may not know the original builder of a plane being converted to E-LSA, you are allowed to enter the kit manufacturer.

Chuck Davis
Malvern, PA
Firelfy N7057K

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Joined: 07 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:32 pm    Post subject: Re: ELSA Reply with quote

Why on earth would you register a firefly, keep it as an ultralight. Why pay more money to fly your plane. That makes no sence.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:33 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

Who was your inspector? Do you have contact information?

On 9/7/07, Charles Davis <ceddavis(at) (ceddavis(at)> wrote:
I now own an airplane! This morning I received my airworthiness certificate for my Firefly, N7057K, serial # "CD-1".

The inspector certainly looked over the paperwork, but seemed more interested in helping me get it filled out to a acceptable level, not on gigging me for mistakes. He did spend about 30 minutes inspecting the airplane, and made a few suggestions. While he was not overly picky, I got the definite impression that had he found anything he considered dangerous, he would have failed me unless it could be corrected. As usual when dealing with government, the person you are dealing with is more important then the details of the regulations.

I am now confined to 10 Nm's around Smoketown, PA for 5 hours.

Also, regrading a point raised on a few earlier posts: My plane's builder is officially listed as "Kolb". The instructions which came with the original registration stated that (as you would expect) the builder would normally be the applicant. However, as the FAA understood you may not know the original builder of a plane being converted to E-LSA, you are allowed to enter the kit manufacturer.

Chuck Davis
Malvern, PA
Firelfy N7057K

Terry [quote][b]

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:04 am    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote


Why on earth would you register a firefly, keep it as an ultralight. Why
pay more money to fly your plane. That makes no sence.
One good reason, and the reason I ELSA registered my FireFly, is that I am

planning to have to relocate the Kolb and trailer to another airport when
the one I am currently using closes in about 15 months. Having an N-number
on the machine steps neatly around the "no-ultralights-allowed"
unpleasantness which is resident at the two fields to which I would be most
likely to move, as well as a number of others in the area which I might like
to visit.

The second reason is the "fat" and illegal issue already mentioned... The
Fly has 3 criss-cross coats of silver under the polytone (Florida sun), the
.035 "heavy" cage, brakes, 6-inch wheels, strobe, metal gap seal, etc... and
thus is about 16 lbs over the limit... I like it that way and would build it
that way again, but I see no percentage in twisting the government's tail...
over the long haul I don't have sufficient faith in the "don't worry, they
can't possibly enforce the rules" crowd to believe that there will never be
enforcement spasms of some sort at various FSDO's at some point in the
future...Having been a federal bureaucrat for a decade in a former life, I
have a keen appreciation for that peculiar mind-set and the fascinating
dynamics it can induce among credentialed zealots in the field. I'd just as
soon not play.

Ramp checks aside, a significant aspect of this has to be the inherent
tendency of the two-stroking Rotax brothers to stop talking to one another
at inconvenient times and in awkward places...Have had two off-airport
"experiences" so far.... If the FAA is going to pull my hard-earned
tickets, it will be because I flew inverted under a bridge someplace
laughing like hell, not because I abruptly arrived in some Wal-Mart parking
lot seated in a fat, unregistered, illegal airplane in front of a silent 447
Rotax. In other words, if the toy is capable of getting me honorable
mention on the 6 o'clock news, I'd just as soon have the paperwork straight.

..and for you worriers out there, there is always the life insurance
angle...."let me get this say he was killed while
intentionally breaking the law flying an illegal, overweight, unregistered
airplane....? we'll get back to you after we check the policy,
..just a thought...worth what ye paid fer it...

FF 076 / N173BW
Brandon, FL

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Joined: 05 Jun 2006
Posts: 23
Location: Malvern, PA

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:22 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

That's a valid question. The reasons are several, starting with the fact that while close, my Firefly is not (was not!) a legit 103 vehicle. It was 30 lbs overweight, and I did not want to give up the larger wheels, brakes, VSI, etc. Should there ever be an issue, I am now in the clear. Also, given that the serial number is my own "CD-1" rather then the Kolb frame serial number, it can be converted back to an ultralight by pulling off the data plate and N number. No data plate, no airplane!

For me, with a desire to move up the certification ladder, having my own airplane is useful in that I can now log all the hours I'll fly anyway. Except for the 3 hours night training, I'll do everything I need for my Private in my Firefly, and a lot cheaper! That's the beauty of the way the regs were written. We can each choose the options that suite us best.

The inspector was Eugene Breiner, 717 776 7608.

Time: 06:32:38 PM PST US
Subject: Re: ELSA
From: "jdmol2002" <jdmol2002(at) (jdmol2002(at) >
Why on earth would you register a firefly, keep it as an ultralight. Why pay more
money to fly your plane. That makes no sence.
Read this topic online here:


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:02 am    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

Private used to require 20 hrs of dual with a CFI and 3 hrs of Instrument time. No more?Couldn't do that in  a Firefly.
The more instruction you get, the safer a pilot you'll be. Don 't work too hard to avoid it.

On Sep 8, 2007, at 8:21 PM, Charles Davis wrote:
[quote]That's a valid question.  The reasons are several, starting with the fact that while close, my Firefly is not (was not!) a legit 103 vehicle.  It was 30 lbs overweight, and I did not want to give up the larger wheels, brakes, VSI, etc.  Should there ever be an issue, I am now in the clear.  Also, given that the serial number is my own "CD-1" rather then the Kolb frame serial number,  it can be converted back to an ultralight by pulling off the data plate and N number.  No data plate, no airplane!
For me, with a desire to move up the certification ladder, having my own airplane is useful in that I can now log all the hours I'll fly anyway.  Except for the 3 hours night training, I'll do everything I need for my Private in my Firefly, and a lot cheaper!  That's the beauty of the way the regs were written.  We can each choose the options that suite us best.
The inspector was Eugene Breiner, 717 776  7608. 

Time: 06:32:38 PM PST US
Subject: Re: ELSA
From: "jdmol2002" <jdmol2002(at) (jdmol2002(at) >
Why on earth would you register a firefly, keep it as an ultralight. Why pay more
money to fly your plane. That makes no sence.
Read this topic online here:



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Joined: 05 Jun 2006
Posts: 23
Location: Malvern, PA

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:37 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

Russ - Actually, I have > 20 hours duel already, having taken my practical in an Evecktor Sportstar and tail wheel endorsement in a 7AC champ. Have not nor intend to avoid training. In fact I plan on continuing training to get my towered airspace endorsement, which I need to do for my private. I could have received both the SP and Tail wheel endorsement quicker had I wanted to avoid training. My tail wheel training was in unusual conditions: we had a period of strong cross winds rather then the normal "down the runway". Trust me, I have no issues landing the champ in any conditions I'd even consider flying in. I could have waited for better conditions and done it in 4 hours.

Also, I may have missed it in the regs, but I'm fairly certain they dropped the instrument requirement a long time ago, although I'm sure some one on the list knows for sure. In fact, I'll likely continue on and get some instrument training. For that matter, a local airport (Van Sant, 9N1) offer acrobatic training, which I'd also love to take. Not to do it in a FireFly, but to be a better pilot. Not to mention, it would be a's in a Stearman. They also offer training, including acrobatic, in sailplanes. We'll never run out of new things to train on.


Time: 06:02:46 AM PST US
From: Russ Kinne <russ(at) (russ(at)>
Subject: Re: ELSA

Private used to require 20 hrs of dual with a CFI and 3 hrs of
Instrument time. No more?
Couldn't do that in a Firefly.
The more instruction you get, the safer a pilot you'll be. Don 't
work too hard to avoid it.

On Sep 8, 2007, at 8:21 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

[quote] That's a valid question. The reasons are several, starting with
the fact that while close, my Firefly is not (was not!) a legit 103
vehicle. It was 30 lbs overweight, and I did not want to give up
the larger wheels, brakes, VSI, etc. Should there ever be an
issue, I am now in the clear. Also, given that the serial number
is my own "CD-1" rather then the Kolb frame serial number, it can
be converted back to an ultralight by pulling off the data plate
and N number. No data plate, no airplane!

For me, with a desire to move up the certification ladder, having
my own airplane is useful in that I can now log all the hours I'll
fly anyway. Except for the 3 hours night training, I'll do
everything I need for my Private in my Firefly, and a lot cheaper!
That's the beauty of the way the regs were written. We can each
choose the options that suite us best.

The inspector was Eugene Breiner, 717 776 7608.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:19 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote

Chuck, if you're leading up to a private pilot ticket, per FAR 61.109

(a) For an airplane single-engine rating. Except as provided in paragraph (k) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with an airplane category and single-engine class rating must log at least 40 hours of flight time that includes at least 20 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor and 10 hours of solo flight training in the areas of operation listed in §61.107(b)(1) of this part, and the training must include at least—

(3) 3 hours of flight training in a single-engine airplane on the control and maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to instruments, including straight and level flight, constant airspeed climbs and descents, turns to a heading, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, radio communications, and the use of navigation systems/facilities and radar services appropriate to instrument flight


On 9/10/07, Charles Davis <ceddavis(at) (ceddavis(at)> wrote:
Russ - Actually, I have > 20 hours duel already, having taken my practical in an Evecktor Sportstar and tail wheel endorsement in a 7AC champ.  Have not nor intend to avoid training. In fact I plan on continuing training to get my towered airspace endorsement, which I need to do for my private. I could have received both the SP and Tail wheel endorsement quicker had I wanted to avoid training. My tail wheel training was in unusual conditions: we had a period of strong cross winds rather then the normal "down the runway". Trust me, I have no issues landing the champ in any conditions I'd even consider flying in. I could have waited for better conditions and done it in 4 hours.

Also, I may have missed it in the regs, but I'm fairly certain they dropped the instrument requirement a long time ago, although I'm sure some one on the list knows for sure. In fact, I'll likely continue on and get some instrument training. For that matter, a local airport (Van Sant, 9N1) offer acrobatic training, which I'd also love to take. Not to do it in a FireFly, but to be a better pilot. Not to mention, it would be a's in a Stearman. They also offer training, including acrobatic, in sailplanes. We'll never run out of new things to train on.


Time: 06:02:46 AM PST US
From: Russ Kinne <russ(at) (russ(at)>
Subject: Re: ELSA

Private used to require 20 hrs of dual with a CFI and 3 hrs of
Instrument time. No more?
Couldn't do that in a Firefly.
The more instruction you get, the safer a pilot you'll be. Don 't
work too hard to avoid it.

On Sep 8, 2007, at 8:21 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

That's a valid question. The reasons are several, starting with
the fact that while close, my Firefly is not (was not!) a legit 103
vehicle. It was 30 lbs overweight, and I did not want to give up
the larger wheels, brakes, VSI, etc. Should there ever be an
issue, I am now in the clear. Also, given that the serial number
is my own "CD-1" rather then the Kolb frame serial number, it can
be converted back to an ultralight by pulling off the data plate
and N number. No data plate, no airplane!

For me, with a desire to move up the certification ladder, having
my own airplane is useful in that I can now log all the hours I'll
fly anyway. Except for the 3 hours night training, I'll do
everything I need for my Private in my Firefly, and a lot cheaper!
That's the beauty of the way the regs were written. We can each
choose the options that suite us best.

The inspector was Eugene Breiner, 717 776 7608.


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Rick Girard
"Ya'll drop on in"
takes on a whole new meaning
when you live at the airport. [quote][b]

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Ralph B

Joined: 14 Apr 2007
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Location: Mound Minnesota

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject: Re: ELSA Reply with quote

jdmol2002 wrote:
Why on earth would you register a firefly, keep it as an ultralight. Why pay more money to fly your plane. That makes no sence.

Mine is very much like a Firefly (an Original Firestar) at 319 lbs. It's even pictured as a Firefly in the September issue of LIGHT SPORT AND ULTRALIGHT FLYING magazine (the one with an orange nose on skis). Why did I register it? For the same reasons Beauford mentioned along with the privilege of carrying extra fuel in 2 tanks behind the seat with the 5-gallon main tank that I still have.

Here are a couple recent pics of the Firestar. It's in good shape after 20 years of flying it.

Ralph B

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my little plane 1-.jpg
At home field
 Filesize:  145.12 KB
 Viewed:  439 Time(s)

my little plane 1-.jpg

Firestar at a fly-in.jpg
Firestar at a fly-in on 8-12-07
 Filesize:  151.61 KB
 Viewed:  423 Time(s)

Firestar at a fly-in.jpg

Ralph B

Kolb Kolbra 912uls
550 hours
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Ed in JXN

Joined: 24 Mar 2006
Posts: 122

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:54 pm    Post subject: ELSA Reply with quote


The instrument training requirement is still there, has never been removed (thankfully).

FAR 61.109(a)(3)

Ed in JXN

[quote] ---

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