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November is Matronics Email List Fund Raiser Month!

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Matt Dralle
Site Admin

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 26321
Location: Livermore CA USA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:33 pm    Post subject: November is Matronics Email List Fund Raiser Month! Reply with quote

Dear Listers,

You've probably noticed that there are no banner ads or pop-up windows or spam from any of the List and Forum services at Matronics. These include, for example:

The Email List Postings -

The Email List Forum Site -

The List Wiki -

The List Search Engine -

This is because I have always enjoyed a List experience that was completely about the sport we enjoy - airplanes - and not about advertising!

But running a high performance, highly available service like this isn't free and a fair amount of money in terms of computer upgrades, business-class Internet connectivity, and electricity. Consequently, many similar sites turn to advertising to support these costs. Advertising that you have to look at each and every time you read an email message or browse the their web site.

Rather than subject my List community to another constant commercial bombardment, I have chosen to hold a PBS-like fund raiser each year in November to support the continued operation and upgrade of the List services. It's solely through the Contributions of List members that the Lists and Forums continue to be possible!

During the month, I will be sending out a Fund Raiser reminder message every few days and I ask for your patience and understanding during the month throughout these regular messages. Think of them as PBS' Pledge Breaks... Smile

To minimize the impact of the Fund Raiser on the List community, I implemented a new feature late last year specifically related to making Contributions. If you are an Email List subscriber, once you make a Contribution using the online web site, you will no longer receive the email from me regarding the Fund Raiser! There are a couple of exceptions to this, however. If someone replies to a Contribution message I've sent, you might receive that. Additionally, the messages will always be posted to the Forums site. To a first order, however, once you make a Contribution, you won't get my email messages about the Fund Raiser for the rest of the month. For Contributions by check, the squelch will take effect once the check is received.

There is a whole new line up of really great Contribution gifts this year! When you make a qualifying Contribution, you can select one of the many free gifts that are available during the Fund Raiser. These gifts are provided through the generous support of a number of our industry's leading supporters including:

Bob Nuckolls - AeroElectric -

Andy Gold - Builder's Bookstore -

Jon Croke - HomebuiltHELP -

Please visit these guy's respective sites, as they have some great products to offer and are generously supporting the Matronics List Fund Raiser.

You can make your List Contribution using any one of three secure methods this year including using a credit card, PayPal, or by personal check. From the Contribution site, you can select any one of this year's free gifts with a qualifying Contribution amount. The Contribution page is pretty loooonnnnng this year in order to list great selection of great gifts available so be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see everything that's available!

Please make a List Support Contribution:

I would like to thank everyone in advance for their generous support! Your Contributions truely keep this operation afloat!

Thank you,

Matt Dralle
Matronics Email List Forum Administrator

- The Matronics MurphyMoose-List Email Forum -

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Matt Dralle
Matronics Email List Administrator
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