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Removing D-Sub sockets

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:35 am    Post subject: Removing D-Sub sockets Reply with quote

Fellow tronners....

Is there a trick to removing D-Sub sockets from the connector?

I have the tool from radio shack (I have actually destroyed three of them) for the standard sockets. My trouble is that I can't get the tool to go past the base of the pin to where it would release the 'holding' fingers in the connector assembly.

It has to be either the tool or my gorilla fisted technique..... every once in a while, I can wiggle while holding my tongue right, and it'll go in to allow me to extract the socket.

I have two sockets remaining - I need to get a new tool - is there a better one?


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:21 am    Post subject: Removing D-Sub sockets Reply with quote

Hi Ralph,

The tool Bob N. shows on his site,
has two ends on it. The red end only goes about 1/2 way around. The
other end goes about 80% of the way around the pin. If your tool
looks like the white end of Bob's picture, it should work without a lot
of force. In fact a delicate touch and patience is necessary. For
some reason, it takes a long time to get the first one or two out, but
once you develop the "feel", they are pretty easy. Force won't work!
The white end is fairly thin and easily bent.

You might want to review Bob's entire procedure at

I cursed a lot of pins out using the wrong tool that looked like the
red end before I learned the difference.

Bob W.
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:34:43 -0500 (EST)
"Ralph E. Capen" <recapen(at)> wrote:


Fellow tronners....

Is there a trick to removing D-Sub sockets from the connector?

I have the tool from radio shack (I have actually destroyed three of them) for the standard sockets. My trouble is that I can't get the tool to go past the base of the pin to where it would release the 'holding' fingers in the connector assembly.

It has to be either the tool or my gorilla fisted technique..... every once in a while, I can wiggle while holding my tongue right, and it'll go in to allow me to extract the socket.

I have two sockets remaining - I need to get a new tool - is there a better one?


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:55 am    Post subject: Removing D-Sub sockets Reply with quote

Thanks, Bob....

I have two broken white ends - and I didn't push hard at all.
I'm guessing there's a bunch of finesse to get this right. Good part is I only need to remove two more pins - I was able to get the other eight out.....

I'll order a new tool - and go over the stuff from the aeroelectric website......coupled with a lot less force.......



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