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Aluminum Belly Pan
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:55 am    Post subject: aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

Wow! �That Grove gear does flex more in the centre than I anticipated.

Thanks Randy and Steve for the heads up on that one. �My landing are always so smooth that it probably�
would not matter, but then someone else may fly the plane some day. �; )

My pan has now been trimmed slightly so that it does not interfere with this flex.
I currently do not plan to add a fairing behind the gear

Jim Corner
Model 2, 582,. Ivo med !FA, 1100 hrs
Model 5 under construction
Calgary, AB


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:21 am    Post subject: aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

Do you have any pictures of what you did?

Jim Crowder

[quote] --

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:40 am    Post subject: Aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

Aircraft Spruce carries Loctite Hysol 9430. Hysol 9460 is what was used by Kitfox. What the different is that the 9460 is dark gray in color and is a 50 / 50 mix. The 9430 is white in color (close to airframe color white) and mixes 4 to 1 (actually 100 to 23, but works perfect at 4 to 1). The 9430 has higher peel and shear strenght properties. It works with glass bubbles and flocked cotton and near impossible to remove by force without destroying the aluminum, wood or thin steel.



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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:20 pm    Post subject: Aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

George, I can get JB Weld locally in small quantities that I need. Why not use JB Weld? I have found a 3/8" BX electric steel strap that I drill out the hole to accept a #10-24 aluminun rivetnut. Looks like the ticket.�
Pat Reilly
Mod 3 Rebuild
Rockford, IL
[quote] Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:37:07 -0800
From: michaega(at)
Subject: Re: Aluminum Belly Pan
To: kitfox-list(at)

.ExternalClass DIV {;} Aircraft Spruce carries Loctite Hysol 9430. Hysol 9460 is what was used by Kitfox. What the different is that the 9460 is dark gray in color and is a 50 / 50 mix. The 9430 is white in color (close to airframe color white) and mixes 4 to 1 (actually 100 to 23, but works perfect at 4 to 1). The 9430 has higher peel and shear strenght properties. It works with glass bubbles and flocked cotton and near impossible to remove by force without destroying the aluminum, wood or thin steel.



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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:19 pm    Post subject: Aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

Good question? I would be more inclined to use an epoxy that as been tested to high standards and is ASTM compliant. I suppose I would not get worried XYZ glue failed on something that doesn't matter.


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Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 26
Location: Woodland, CA

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:19 pm    Post subject: Aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

If you need larger quantities of Hysol - or any of the loctite products, you can get them at
John Alexander

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:37:07 -0800 (PST), SUE MICHAELS wrote > Aircraft Spruce carries Loctite Hysol 9430. �Hysol 9460 is what was used by Kitfox.�What the different is that the�9460 is dark gray in color and is a 50 / 50 mix. The 9430 is white in color�(close to airframe color white) and mixes 4 to 1 (actually 100 to 23, but works perfect at 4 to 1). The 9430 has higher peel and shear strenght properties. It works with glass bubbles and flocked cotton and near impossible to remove by force without destroying the aluminum, wood or thin steel. > � > George > > � > ---

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John Alexander
Woodland, CA
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:12 am    Post subject: Re: Aluminum Belly Pan Reply with quote

Hmm ... Good old Dad is an aero engineer, and owns an aerospace company when I built my Kitfox with the grove
gear I asked him what he thought about the drag created by the bar between
the attach points, I was considering fairing it in. His exact words were, that it
would be a "total waste of time" since the Kitfox is so draggy anyway, and
that it was most likely in an area of turbulated airflow anyway that there
would probably not be much if any gain to be had by doing so. I didn't do
it, and my Kitfox like all the other IO-240 kitfoxes cruises about 120, and
tops out at 140. Probably the only thing on the plane worth drag reduction
is the lift struts.

Likewise with regard to the belly, I simply fabric'd it, and have never scuffed nor nicked it. The only thing that's likely to hit the belly is brush,
and my thought would be that if brush is hitting the belly that the prop
didn't chop off first, you've got problems anyway ... Well if the props
hitting brush, you got problems in any case. So I think an aluminum
belly pan is a big time waster also.

Those are just my opinions, but mine's been flying for about five years now, and I'm happy with it as it is. A lot of this stuff seems to me idea's
from the building process that don't neccessarily translate into real gains
when the plane is actually being used.

Jeff Hays

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