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Carburator Heat and Drip Pans

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Troy Maynor

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 162

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:04 pm    Post subject: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans Reply with quote

Hi Europa Dudes and Dudettes,

At Sun N Fun I bought a set of drip pans for the carbs. They're the round
shaped ones that many of the Rotax parts sellers have. Then I decided to
take the plunge recently and install the Skydrive carb heaters. And, as I
kind of knew, they don't play well together. Has anyone had this combo? If
so, did you cut the drip pans and add some material to make them fit
together or make new ones from scratch. It would, IMHO, take some fancy
aluminum welding to add 3/4" or so. So I'm open to suggestions. Too late to
send the carb heaters back, but at the same time I need drip pans. Cut and
find an aluminum welder or make from scratch. Oh, one more question:
Wouldn't stainless make better drip pans and heat shields anyway?
Troy Maynor
N120EU Europa Monowheel Classic
Left to finish:
Seats, engine install underway, some wiring.
Weaverville, NC USA

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:52 pm    Post subject: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans Reply with quote

Hi Europa Dude alas Troy,
I have this combination. I got the drip trays cut down by an engineering
firm. Not cheap but had to be done.
Europa Classic Monowheel #292 Rotax 912S Airmaster
Prop. 180 hours

Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
PH 0064 3 3515166
MOB 021 0640221

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:34 am    Post subject: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans Reply with quote

Hi! Troy
My 914 came from Rotax with fabricated trays ,not the cast rounded ones. Probably they’d be easier reshaped and welded. Being fabricated may well be cheaper than the cast type anyway.
BTW I have no carb heat with my turbo/intercooler combination and I’ve never seen the carb throat temperature below 6 deg Celcius even on a long power off decent in humid typically icing conditions. However 912S installation may be quite a different situation.
Bob Harrison G-PTAG [list][list]

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:54 am    Post subject: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans Reply with quote

Troy C

I made drip 'pans' C I prefer to call them heat shields out of the original firewall material C and attached them to the upper bolt of the exhaust pipe. My idea was to shield the carbs from the intense heat below C to stop the fuel from boiling when taxiing. It is a very simple mod and solved the boiling problem.
I also have the carb heater C but rarely switch it to ON.


[quote] From: wingnut54(at)
To: europa-list(at)
Subject: Carburator Heat and Drip Pans
Date: Wed C 29 Oct 2008 22:52:35 -0400

Hi Europa Dudes and Dudettes C

At Sun N Fun I bought a set of drip pans for the carbs. They're the round
shaped ones that many of the Rotax parts sellers have. Then I decided to
take the plunge recently and install the Skydrive carb heaters. And C as I
kind of knew C they don't play well together. Has anyone had this combo? If
so C did you cut the drip pans and add some material to make them fit
together or make new ones from scratch. It would C IMHO C take some fancy
aluminum welding to add 3/4" or so. So I'm open to suggestions. Too late to
send the carb heaters back C but at the same time I need drip pans. Cut and
find an aluminum welder or make from scratch. Oh C one more question:
Wouldn't stainless make better drip pans and heat shields anyway?

Troy Maynor
N120EU Europa Monowheel Classic
Left to finish:
Seats C engine install underway C some wiring.
Weaverville C NC USA


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