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Hang the engine with fuselage still on a dolly?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:24 am    Post subject: Hang the engine with fuselage still on a dolly? Reply with quote

Hi Charlie-

I had a somewhat similar scenario, but with some logistical constraints
that made things perhaps a bit more deviant Wink The short version is that
I had to delay hanging the engine significantly.

For whatever it might be worth to you, I fit my engine mount and then
removed it. I fit the gear legs, wings, and tail, removed them, and did
all the systems work with the fuse right close to the ground. (I had
mounted large casters to the wooden false spars from the QB crate) I also
made a firewall mock up out of heavy plywood backed up with 2x3's. I laid
out the locations of the supporting structure from the back side of the
firewall with sharpies. The engine mount was attached to the mock up, this
assembly was attached to the engine, a cheap harbor freight engine stand
was attached to the back of the mock up, and then the whole thing was stood
up on it's wheels. This allowed me to fill the engine with preservative and
rotate it to slosh it thoroughly until it was needed. It also allowed me
to lay out the firewall mounted systems and penetrations without having the
engine in place. Once the fuse was back on it's gear, in a different
location, the engine and mount were put on the fuselage. Cowl fitting took
place afterwards.

This process worked very well in my situation, but of course YMMV-

glen matejcek

Time: 01:38:22 PM PST US
From: Charlie England <ceengland(at)>
Subject: -7: Hang the engine with fuselage still on a dolly?
Being somewhat of a deviant in some (not all) areas, I've installed the
motor mount, gear legs, wheels, leg fairings, and pants to get all those
odds & ends properly aligned without the wings in the way. Pants &
fairings have now been removed & stored.

I haven't yet riveted on any of the fuse top skins, front or rear.
Wings/tail have not yet been fitted to the fuselage.

Now I'm contemplating the removal of the gear legs & returning the fuse
to its dolly to do the engine/cowl fitting, plumbing, wiring, etc. This
is with the idea that work will be easier with the fuse closer to the
ground. I'll eventually need to 'unhang' the engine to have it
overhauled (waiting until the last moment for that expense), so any
rework would likely have to happen anyway.

Anyone see any major issues with this idea?



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