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Welding cable, cabbages and kings

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:45 pm    Post subject: Welding cable, cabbages and kings Reply with quote

At 06:28 PM 9/28/2009, you wrote:

Ditto on that Bob!! I always go to McMaster and just as quickly forget I

Just too many things for the ol' gray matter to keep
a grip on . . . but gee, McMaster-Carr? I used to
mail order from their 2+ inch thick mail order
catalog over 30 years ago. If they didn't have it
in that catalog you probably didn't need it!

I may be renewing an old acquaintance with
them. Out here in cow and buzzard country, everything
is 100 miles away . . . well not quite. We've got
one of those 10,000 sq ft Ace hardware stores
in Pratt that is VERY well stocked. They're only
30 miles away but with prices that are pretty
breathtaking. Would you believe $4.75 for a 2-foot
piece of valve stem packing? I need to find that
stash of bee's wax and graphite!

But if you gotta have it today, it's possible.
The stores here in M.L. are quite adequate to
routine needs and they too are willing to get stuff
in on "Wednesday's truck".

At the same time, I've got at least two dozen
projects on the to-do list at all times. If one needs
to pause while necessary goodies come in the mail,
or UPS there are always plenty of alternatives to keep
the moment productive.

It certainly changes the way you think about things.
Projects I was accustomed to finishing in a few hours after
spool-up might take several days here if I don't have
everything needed in 'inventory'.

In some ways I think it's a good thing. You get
to consider design goals and processes on a
wider horizon and more relaxed imperative. Folks
you work for are seldom upset if you have to order
in materials. It's a much more relaxed but no less
certain way of orchestrating one's priorities.
Overnight UPS out of Digikey works well to M.L. too
and at no greater expense than to Wichita

Total hands-on time for a project isn't much longer
but the challenge to craft expedient alternatives is
greater. Dad's shop was loaded with little jigs,
fixtures, mysterious bits and pieces that
had to have been the product of his expanded creative
horizons. I'm really enjoying the walk in his shoes.
Bob . . .

( . . . a long habit of not thinking )
( a thing wrong, gives it a superficial )
( appearance of being right . . . )
( )
( -Thomas Paine 1776- )

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