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Fiberglass tape over the window edges

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Lenny Iszak

Joined: 23 Mar 2008
Posts: 270

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:34 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

Getting close to laying up a couple of layers of thin fiberglass on the edge of the windows so as to avoid cracking around the window perimeter.

I was wondering what have others done to prep the plexi before the fiberglass layup?

Apparently epoxy is not good enough to glue in the windows, so how is it going to hold the tape on there? Is there some kind of primer I could use to make the epoxy stick better?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:56 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

One note. We routed out a shallow but wide amount of window &
fiberglass to allow for more fill without a noticeable bump. So far so
good with one exception. The lower outermost corners of the windshield are
beginning to show slight cracking (200+ hours). It sort of makes sense as
it is at the extremes of the largest window. I would pay extra close
attention to this area.



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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:56 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote


Scuff the plex in the area to be covered with 80g.

Fill any groove between the window and the cabin top with your
favorite filler (mine is superfil).

Lay up one or two layers of the same cloth and epoxy used for the
windshield fairing--whatever you used there should be fine for the
overlay. Use the same techniques for masking as you did at the base
of the windshield. Plan to paint to a line about 1/16" inside the

Without going to the trouble Robin did, you will end up with a small
hump. His technique is probably lighter and more elegant, and more
time consuming. A little filler will fair in the hump so it isn't
noticeable. If you can find lighter cloth for the overlay, that will
reduce the hump (and filler/weight) as well. I think I used some 2oz
cloth we had for another project. It's like tissue paper but it does
the job.

Dave Saylor
140 Aviation Way
Watsonville, CA 95076
831-722-9141 Shop
831-750-0284 Cell

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Lenny Iszak <lenard(at)> wrote:

Getting close to laying up a couple of layers of thin fiberglass on the edge of the windows so as to avoid cracking around the window perimeter.

I was wondering what have others done to prep the plexi before the fiberglass layup?

Apparently epoxy is not good enough to glue in the windows, so how is it going to hold the tape on there? Is there some kind of primer I could use to make the epoxy stick better?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:02 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

I am coming up on 2400 hrs on my quick build fuselage and wing project. I am very near completion and I mean it.
If I were to do the windows again, being the anal retentive type that I am, I would sand all the fiberglass channels that the window sit inside(joggle) and try to make them so there is no high points in the joggle. I would then make sure the window fit inside the perimeter of the joggle and I would do the Cleco and popsicle retainers verification of temporary holding the window and then I would actually build up the joggle with chopped glass and resin. This would make the joggle a consistent depth all the way around

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:26 am    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

Flailing around blindly, I wound up doing close to what John describes....

On 1/6/2011 12:58 AM, John Gonzalez wrote:
snippety snip...

Lastly, I would not use a fiberglass tape, it does not go around corners at all. Instead, with a sharpie pen scribe a line on the window where you want the fiberglass to overlap on the window then purchased some transparent semi stiff, flexible, thin acetate? plastic and make labelled patterns for each area of each window by taping this plastic over the scribed areas and sight through it to trace the contour onto this plastic. Cut out these patterns and label their location.

Next, buy another type of less stiff plastic (5mm drop cloth) and use this on your table top, lay the fiberglass cloth down on it and wet it out with resin and a squegee, one ply at a time, one ply may be enough, no more than two needed, Now lay your pattern over this wetted out glass with drop cloth beneath and make a sandwich. Use a roller cutter to cut through the glass and drop cloth along the contour of your pattern. Now lift up this entire sandiwich and peel off the drop cloth plastic while the wetted out glass remains attached to the acetate pattern so you can carry it to the window location. Position it and peel the acetate off leaving the glass in place over the window/gap and onto the cabin top.

It actually is a little more work, but it works exceptionally well. On mine I only used one ply of 9 oz satin weave glass. It is a flexible tight weave glass and follows contours well.
....didn't realize that I did the same until I saw his pics. It may be less work. I'm not sure how easily FG tape would work. I'm not sure that anyone who refers to taping over the window edges actually used FG tape (?).

Haven't been flying in so long I couldn't resist the other non build photos.
Nice wintertime pics. The "hang the camera out the vent" technique gives you that great reflection off the canopy that makes many such pics better than an unobstructed ones.

Here's a photo from a friend Erik Mann showing the valley around Pennsylvania's Mifflin Co. airport - where western racers come to play chicken on 500' ridges. Where has the flying season gone?

Bill "dreaming of flying in fair skies" Watson

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:49 am    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

Use E-glass cut on a 45 bias (instead of tape) so that it turns the corners easily. Be sure and scuff the edges and clean them with acetone before applying E-glass saturated epoxy resin. To make it easy then cover with brown Teflon coated release ply available from Spruce for a fine mat finish.
[quote] ---

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Lenny Iszak

Joined: 23 Mar 2008
Posts: 270

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

Thanks everyone for the ideas. Looks like i'll just do two layers of thin FG cloth over the plexi. I was just a little concerned about the fiberglass/plexi bond, but i guess that's what everyone does.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:50 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

With this method of securing the plexi, adhesion is not as important as you
have a channel for the glass to lay in and it is supported both on the
inside and outside.

Gary Specketer


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:32 pm    Post subject: Fiberglass tape over the window edges Reply with quote

wait until you get to the front windscreen and build the fairing, there are
10 layers of cloth over the plexi at that point.
You'll be fine!


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