tedwaltman(at)i1ci.com Guest
Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 5:09 pm Post subject: Moose: Newly installed -- straight -- stinger |
I installed a new prototype�-- totally straight�-- stinger on the Moose today.� I also put on a new swivel that a machinist friend of mine created out of a blank-stock swivel that Murphy Aircraft sent.��The�pictures�(see below) show that I now have a slight positive�castor�angle when relatively empty.� With the plane loaded up I suspect I'll have the proper vertical pivot pin orientation.
You can�see two�pictures (very bottom of the page) and more info on the tail upgrades at: http://www.i1ci.com/flying/Moose/Tail/TailUpgrade.html
Ted Waltman
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