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sun fun was a blast

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:28 pm    Post subject: sun fun was a blast Reply with quote

sun fun was a blast. the roto craft flew with fixed wing on the paradise city run way and we launched helicopters from the same runway as well, some chopers stayed down on the old runway becouse they wher to large for our pattern, john moody flew several times in his
eagil and easy riser. we had almost 50 vendors on our side for the first time in several years.
atandance was better than last year. they cut back on Volinteres, this year�we had 50 less in paradise city. last year we had 3,200 total volinteres 14 people got service pins for 5 years 68 for 20 years and 19�for 30 years , next year will be the 40th anaversary and i know a couple people that will get ther 40 year service pin.Volinteres make sun fun work,and i cant wate to do it all agin next year.

Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker
Michigan Sport Pilot Repair
Great Sails - Sailmaker
for Ultralight & Light Sport


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John Hauck

Joined: 09 Jan 2006
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Location: Titus, Alabama (hauck's holler)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:15 pm    Post subject: sun fun was a blast Reply with quote

Volinteres make sun fun work,and i cant wate to do it all agin next year.

Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker

Malcolm B/Kolbers:

Volunteers are only part of what makes Sun and Fun work.

In the rush of commercial vendors, volunteers with their golf carts and ATVs, most folks forget what Sun and Fun really is. To me, it is the people who build airplanes in their garages, basements, small shops, hangers, then fly them from wherever they live in the US to Lakeland to show other aviation enthusiast the fruits of their labors. It is the same folks that fly in with all their camping gear prepared to spend the week sleeping under the wings of their home builts. This year, as the last several years, there was 3 or 4 aircraft campers that flew into Paradise City during the entire week. No problem. Sun and Fun planners put the aircraft campers at Paradise City on the south side of the airstrip, completely away from the spectators who came to see airplanes. No legal way for attendees to visit the aircraft camping area.

I spoke with Pat Phillips, Sun and Fun Board Member, late one evening, who happened to wander past my tent and airplane that was bedded down in the Kolb Aircraft Company display area. He promised to see what could be done about putting aircraft campers on the same side of the airstrip as the rest of Paradise City.

Oshkosh did the same thing to us aircraft campers for many years. I understand that has finally been changed.

Paradise City wouldn't be a flyin without the folks that fly in. Many of the volunteers, from the head hog right on down, seem to forget that. If we didn't fly in, it would be a drive in.

I chalked up my 30th consecutive attendance at Sun and Fun this year. Don't know if I will make 31.

john h
Titus, Alabama

[quote] [b]

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John Hauck
hauck's holler
Titus, Alabama
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:29 pm    Post subject: sun fun was a blast Reply with quote


I�flew-in� in my VW Powered Kolb and camped a number of times at Oshkosh and once at Sun N Fun. We had some great times camping at Oshkosh. At the high point we camped with fifty or more planes/campers. One year we flew in as a flight of six with five Kolbs. The only real problem for us was the crew that ran the strip didn't seem to want us there. There were no port-o-lets or trash cans anywhere near the camp ground. One year I did the unthinkable and got Tom Poberezny to place a few port-o-lets in the camp ground. I got screamed at for that and was told to never come back. The airport crew wouldn't let the suck trucks near the port-o-lets all week so by the end of the week the port-o-lets were overflowing and the smell was�horrible. See they shouldn't be there. I have never been back, I let the #(at)$$!$!!! win. �

Anyway they closed the campground to plane camping and now you have to drag your plane a�minimum�of a hundred yards from the strip to the camping area and back. Is it better.......don't think so. Now no more than ten campers are there. Problem solved.�

A few years ago when I flew in and camped at Sun N Fun it did work well camping on the north side of the runway. At that time there were only 5-6 plane campers. This year there was only one plane camper on the south side. Maybe they are getting what they want also?

The only problem I ever heard of was that flyin campers took up to much airspace from the vendors wanting to demo their planes. Follow the money?
Rick Neilsen
Redrive VW Powered MKIIIC

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 10:15 PM, John Hauck <jhauck(at) (jhauck(at)> wrote:

Volinteres make sun fun work,and i cant wate to do it all agin next year.���

Malcolm & Jeanne Brubaker

Malcolm B/Kolbers:

Volunteers are only part of what makes Sun and Fun work.

In the rush of commercial vendors, volunteers with their golf� carts and ATVs, most folks forget what Sun and Fun really is.� To me, it is the people who build airplanes in their garages, basements, small shops, hangers, then fly them from wherever they live in the US to Lakeland to show other aviation enthusiast the fruits of their labors.� It is the same folks that fly in with all their camping gear prepared to spend the week sleeping under the wings of their home builts.� This year, as the last several years, there was 3 or 4 aircraft campers that flew into Paradise City during the entire week.� No problem.� Sun and Fun planners put the aircraft campers at Paradise City on the south side of the airstrip, completely away from the spectators who came to see airplanes.� No legal way for attendees to visit the aircraft camping area.

I spoke with Pat Phillips, Sun and Fun Board Member, late one evening, who happened to wander past my tent and airplane that was bedded down in the Kolb Aircraft Company display area.� He promised to see what could be done about putting aircraft campers on the same side of the airstrip as the rest of Paradise City.

Oshkosh did the same thing to us aircraft campers for many years.� I understand that has finally been changed.�

Paradise City wouldn't be a flyin without the folks that fly in.� Many of the volunteers, from the head hog right on down, seem to forget that.� If we didn't fly in, it would be a drive in.

I chalked up my 30th consecutive attendance at Sun and Fun this year.� Don't know if I will make 31.

john h
Titus, Alabama





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Ralph B

Joined: 14 Apr 2007
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Location: Mound Minnesota

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:17 am    Post subject: Re: sun fun was a blast Reply with quote

At Oshkosh, they gave our camping area on the west side of the runway to the rotorcraft folks. It was convenient for us ultralight and Light Sport guys to camp as it was out of the main flow of traffic.

Ralph B

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Ralph B

Kolb Kolbra 912uls
550 hours
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