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Antenna bracket material

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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:26 am    Post subject: Antenna bracket material Reply with quote

I have made a glide slope antenna by stripping back the shield on a piece of coax and doubling it back, as described by Bob and others. The end result is very clean, but now I'm not sure what to do with it. One good place to mount it is on the top of the wind screen, where there is some steel structure that will run parallel to the antenna. How far should I try to get the antenna from that structure? I have thought about making a bracket to hold it out there, but I don't have any non-conductive material handy. Would something like a carbon fiber mat have any meaningful RF implications?

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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:08 pm    Post subject: Antenna bracket material Reply with quote

At 11:19 AM 5/30/2013, you wrote:

I have made a glide slope antenna by stripping back the shield on a
piece of coax and doubling it back, as described by Bob and others.
The end result is very clean, but now I'm not sure what to do with
it. One good place to mount it is on the top of the wind screen,
where there is some steel structure that will run parallel to the
antenna. How far should I try to get the antenna from that
structure? I have thought about making a bracket to hold it out
there, but I don't have any non-conductive material handy. Would
something like a carbon fiber mat have any meaningful RF implications?

What kind of airplane are we talking about?
Cessna single-engine plant used to mount their
GS antenna about 2" down from the top of the
windscreen frame on centerline. Obviously,
WAAYyyyy too close to avoid significant
de-optimization of pattern and swr performance.

Signal strength for an ILS system is big.
I've seen the flags raise on the ILS system
10-15 miles out. Given that most final approach
fixes are 5nm out, it seems likely that one can
suffer severe antenna shortcomings without affecting
usefulness of the system.

Have you considered a 9' whisker on the belly?
Yeah, it's polarized wrong but I think it would
work fine.

It's a simple experiment. Install the antenna
and go do some vmc approaches. See how far out
that you can raise the GS flag and get a steady
needle. It's a whole lot easier to install and
doesn't clutter up the windshield.

Bob . . .

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PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:19 am    Post subject: Antenna bracket material Reply with quote

I put a Bob Archer VOR/ILS/GS antenna in my fiberglass wingtip. Completely hidden and works like a charm (other than the ILS lines me up about 10 feet left of centerline.)
Charlie Brame
San Antonio

Time: 09:26:56 AM PST US
Subject: Antenna bracket material
From: Jared Yates <email(at) (email(at)>
I have made a glide slope antenna by stripping back the shield on a piece of coax
and doubling it back, as described by Bob and others. The end result is very
clean, but now I'm not sure what to do with it. One good place to mount it is
on the top of the wind screen, where there is some steel structure that will
run parallel to the antenna. How far should I try to get the antenna from that
structure? I have thought about making a bracket to hold it out there, but
I don't have any non-conductive material handy. Would something like a carbon
fiber mat have any meaningful RF implications?

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