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How to decide if a heat sink is required for a Rect Bridg

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:48 pm    Post subject: How to decide if a heat sink is required for a Rect Bridg Reply with quote

At 05:11 PM 6/22/2014, you wrote:
In addition to the below: how do you know if you have to have a “heat sink
Insulator” ??? Do we have to with this type of installation ?

I originally was going to mount each one on
it’s own heat sink but now I am thinking all
three on the same heat sink, am I asking for electrical sparks ??

Why so many? Can you share a sketch of your
Subject: How to decide if a
heat sink is required for a Rect Bridge

Okay I have these Rect Bridge
GBPC Series
Digikey gbpc3502a

35 amp version
At 6A continuous in these devices, no heat sinking
is necessary
I plan on using them to connect a device from two different dc batteries
To run a load of about 6 amps continuous
This is a composite airframe so no place to bolt directly to metal

1) Is a heat sink required ?
2) Would it be a good idea if one is not required
3) How do we tell how big of a heat sink we need ?
Would a digikey part number hs114 work properly ?
How can we tell ?
If you were really pressing them to their
electrical limits, there ARE thermal dissipation
studies you can conduct to establish heat-sink
sizing. Here is but one of many examples . . .

These devices were chosen decades ago for
their mechanical conveniences in mounting
and attaching wires. The fact that they were
electrically ubber-robust wasn't a design
goal . . . it just turned out that way.

Unless they're mounted in a hot environment,
they're good for 6A without additional sinking.

Bob . . .

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