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701 elevator trim question

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: 701 elevator trim question Reply with quote

Greetings all:�

New to the list...1st time posting.� I just riveted shut my elevator tonight (Zenith 701)and started looking through the photo assemblies and drawings for the next steps.� I don't see anywhere how to install�the elevator trim system other than in drawing�7-ETO-1.� When are we supposed to do this?� Frustration sets in Smile

Thanks in advance for your tips.�

Brian "Brain" Kissinger

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Joined: 07 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:21 am    Post subject: 701 elevator trim question Reply with quote

Hi Brian,

As another fairly new guy, I'll tell you what I've been able to figure out about how to proceed, and you other guys can correct me if I'm wrong. Bear in mind that I'm scratchbuilding too. I'm not sure if it makes any difference, but worth mentioning.

I think a lot of people see the photo guides as an assembly manual, and I actually think Zenith has gravitated to "almost" making it one over the years. That "almost" is a big one though. The photo guides are intended as guides only - to generally show you how to proceed. There are a lot of times that I do things in a different order, because the photo guide way seems funky to me. The real assembly manual is your drawings. They always trump the photo guides if there's a discrepancy. You probably already know this, but it might help someone else, so I'm including it.

Here's what I do that seems to work well for me. I work on one assembly at a time until it's as complete as I can get it without working on something else. If your elevator is as complete as you can get it, then I'd go ahead with the trim system. If you think about it, that's really the logical way to proceed. It's kinda the "logical next step" if you know what I mean.

Don't get too frustrated. I've become more confident as I'm building, and am not so worried about screwing something up now. I know where to get more metal, and if I can't make it myself, I can always get another one from Zenith.

Hope this helps a little.

Debo Cox
WOW (Working on Wings)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:26 am    Post subject: 701 elevator trim question Reply with quote

Brian, leave your elevator shut, this can easily be done later.
You will need to cut a small square hole in the top skin, the rod goes throught the bottom skin, to form a straight line to the tab.
You may need to take out some solid rivets on the trailing edge only, the width of the tab hinge,�no big deal.
Can send you a pic if you want.
( Daul stick 701, fitting engine, wiring, Start up in a week or 2)
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:53 am    Post subject: 701 elevator trim question Reply with quote

In a message dated 6/25/2006 11:27:31 AM Central Daylight Time, dirkslabbert(at) writes:
You will need to cut a small square hole in the top skin, the rod goes throught the bottom skin, to form a straight line to the tab.

Looking at 7-H-1, the 75 by 75 hole is in the bottom skin. Perhaps my print is an earlier version?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:20 pm    Post subject: 701 elevator trim question Reply with quote

Jerry, my drawing # is 7 ETO-1.
'Suppose you could fit it either way, my method of choice would be from the top, inboard on the pilot side.
[quote] ---

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