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Oil shutoff valve

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:47 pm    Post subject: Oil shutoff valve Reply with quote

I just bought a Oil shut off valve from Jim Kimball Enterprises for my CJ-6.

Has anyone installed one? Suggestions/pictures/help...

Jim (Pooh) Partington
817 917 6806


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:10 am    Post subject: Oil shutoff valve Reply with quote

Be very careful about using the valve. Forgetting to open the valve before engine start has caused the wrecking of at least 2 engines that I personally know of. I guarantee you, its an expensive experience. I am not familiar with Kinball's valve, but if there is a way to brake the starter solenoid electrical circuit while the valve is closed, DO IT. Also, you should have a nice big OIL low pressure light in conspicuous place of the front panel. Better yet a big red light on the front panel showing the valve is closed. If the valve is electrically open or closed, try to make sure the light for the valve position, uses a different power source. And get into the habit of checking your oil pressure gage several times after starting. The distraction of being rushed to make a takeoff time for an event, thus missing the fact that the valve was still closed will lead to the expense of an overhaul.

Jim "Pappy" Goolsby
In a message dated 2/24/2016 3:49:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, jlpartington(at) writes:

I just bought a Oil shut off valve from Jim Kimball Enterprises for my CJ-6.

Has anyone installed one? Suggestions/pictures/help...

Jim (Pooh) Partington
817 917 6806


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:35 am    Post subject: Oil shutoff valve Reply with quote

Jim put a starter halting switch on the valve. Suggestions on mounting location, seems that it could be placed in a couple of places.

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Joined: 19 Apr 2014
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Location: 08A

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:01 am    Post subject: Oil shutoff valve Reply with quote

As you and I both know in our advance degenerative brain cell states KISS still works best. Open the sump drain after shut down ( preferably drained into a clean gas can but optional) and pull (12 to 14)blades weekly to help chase away the hydraulic lock gremlin. If it is going to sit for longer than a month without flying then pull the plugs out of the bottom three cylinders. That is what the YAK maintenance manual calls for. Introducing another procedure into the loop only means one more opportunity to screw the pooch.

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 25, 2016, at 2:57 AM, cjpilot710(at) (cjpilot710(at) wrote:
Be very careful about using the valve. Forgetting to open the valve before engine start has caused the wrecking of at least 2 engines that I personally know of. I guarantee you, its an expensive experience. I am not familiar with Kinball's valve, but if there is a way to brake the starter solenoid electrical circuit while the valve is closed, DO IT. Also, you should have a nice big OIL low pressure light in conspicuous place of the front panel. Better yet a big red light on the front panel showing the valve is closed. If the valve is electrically open or closed, try to make sure the light for the valve position, uses a different power source. And get into the habit of checking your oil pressure gage several times after starting. The distraction of being rushed to make a takeoff time for an event, thus missing the fact that the valve was still closed will lead to the expense of an overhaul.

Jim "Pappy" Goolsby
In a message dated 2/24/2016 3:49:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, jlpartington(at) (jlpartington(at) writes:

I just bought a Oil shut off valve from Jim Kimball Enterprises for my CJ-6.

Has anyone installed one? Suggestions/pictures/help...

Jim (Pooh) Partington
817 917 6806


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:35 am    Post subject: Oil shutoff valve Reply with quote


I have installed the Kimball shut off valve on my own and one other CJ. The valve itself is well made and should provide long term service but unless you are an aircraft maintenance professional and capable of recognizing the specific pitfalls of this installation I would not even consider installing it.

You will find that Kimball will not get involved in any manner with the installation. For the same reasons I too will avoid any remote advice to potential installers other than describing the areas I have identified as questionable.

If you wish to discuss further contact me directly.


From: jlpartington(at) (jlpartington(at)
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 12:39 PM
To: yak-list(at) (yak-list(at)
Subject: Oil shutoff valve

I just bought a Oil shut off valve from Jim Kimball Enterprises for my CJ-6.

Has anyone installed one? Suggestions/pictures/help...

Jim (Pooh) Partington
817 917 6806


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