Malcolmbru(at) Guest
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:42 pm Post subject: 582 W/ choped muffler ? |
My KF2 has a chopped manifold elbow and muffler to make it fit. I am unsure of my gear ratio but have a digital prop tack I will check it with (. I got the E box used) . my main jet is 1 size larger and my needle jet is 2 sizes larger than standard to keep egt temps in range� to hit 6200 rpm with a lower than standard horse power (because of the shopped muffler) my gsc prop is set at 13% I am building a set of floats and want a nickel edged warp drive prop but which taper and length is the best for my application? consider that with a shorter than standard muffler and producing less H.P. is the need for larger jets just to control a egt temp that is false because of the echo wave in the muffler? my plugs do look. rich any body have this concern in the modil 2 with chopped muffler�? anybody have a chopped muffler on a modil 3? malcolm
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