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Tailwheel - 782 cover

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:21 pm    Post subject: Tailwheel - 782 cover Reply with quote

Talk about serendipity. I am at the stage with the fuselage where I'm riveting the tail cone, center section, and forward section together. The fuselage is still upside down. While waiting for my wife (the bucker) to get free I've spent a few days doing tasks that are listed later on in the instructions. I had not riveted the bottom forward skin on yet. I came to the front covers.

For those of you with the tailwheel version I'm hoping you can give me some insights on fitting and attaching the 782D angles to the 9101 web. Since I hadn't riveted the forward bottom skin on I've got that off now but I'm still not sure how is the best way to proceed. I can't imagine what this would be like if that skin were permanently on. So far as I can tell the instructions are completely silent on this subject (looks to me as if all the fitting should have been done long ago and the riveting done as a pre-cursor to the stage I'm in now, but, oh well) and the drawing is ok but has errors, as it turns out.

I have found out the hard way that if the nutplates in the 782D are installed before 782D is riveted to 9101 you can't get the rivet puller on the rivets and if you wait to do the nutplates till 782D is riveted to 9101 you can't get a squeezer on some of the rivets. In my case the holes are drilled for the nutplates per the drawing but they aren't installed.

The other, hopefully minor, problem is that one can't cleco the 782D to the 9101 because there isn't enough interstitial space for the end of the cleco. How have you handled keeping the angle positioned properly while drilling the four holes? The only thing that has occurred to me is to pull a rivet at each hole as I go along. I'm going to use 3/32 monel rivets (ok'd by Van's) because the LP4-3s seem outrageously large for this application.

Albion, Maine
Flying a Kitfox IV when not building


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