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buying the parts

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:47 pm    Post subject: buying the parts Reply with quote

Hi Richard,
I already called and talked to TNK about this idea and the front nose cone
is about $350. The problem is there is a lot more to it than just the
fiberglass. If I were able to build an EXACT match to an Xtra, then buying
a nose piece might save a little time, but since I will have to do my own
widening on a MkIII fuselage, their genuine nosecone won't really fit what I
come up with. I believe I can best build my own version of an Xtra
nosecone, after I've finished the frame mods, and it will be "made to fit".

Akso, TNK guy said that to actually change a MkIII into a real Xtra would
mean 1) the fuselage 2) the nosecone, and some misc. other things. All
told...maybe $3500 to $4000, to make a true Xtra.
Not worth it to me to spend that kind of bucks. I still feel I can modify
my MkIII for just the cost of some parts, namely chrome-moly tubing ($300),
fiberglass and resin ($150) and some new lexan. I need new lexan anyway,
since my old windshield cracked up being in the sun too much.

Referring to the side/back of the fuselage, I am not familiar with any
noticible changes (yet). I do know that small flat area right in front of
the prop is a source of "poor airflow" and it is imperitive to build a
aluminum "v" to fare that area to improve airflow to the prop.

In the final outcome I am not really trying to create a 100+ mph rocket.
I know a MkIII has its limitations, but I just want to "improve" it a
little, and make it cruise a couple of mph's quicker.
Besides....all my BIG bucks are being poured into my GlaStar I am also
building (about $30k+ in just the panel. Mostly color glass displays. Have
to butcher their molded instument panel to get it to all fit.) Thank God
for airplanes, or I'd have plenty of money to blow on hobbies!!! LOL
Mike in Utah

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Denny Rowe

Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 89
Location: Leechburg, PA

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:23 pm    Post subject: buying the parts Reply with quote

I know you have your heart set on wringing that last three miles per hour
out of your Mk-3, but let me give you my thoughts.
You have a well proven airframe kit that will have plenty of value if you
ever decide to sell. You are very close to completion if you do not get
side tracked into major mods that may upset weight and balance as well as
directional stability, remember that the extra needs larger tail surfaces to
offset the longer forward fuselage.
You are also building a Glastar which has much greater range and speed than
any Kolb so the need for a faster Mk-3 seems almost silly.
My advise is to finish both planes per plans and enjoy the wonderful world
of slow flight the Mk-3 gives, as well as the capabilities of the Glasstar.
Worth what you paid for it.

Denny Rowe, Mk-3, PA

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:58 pm    Post subject: buying the parts Reply with quote

My thoughts are parallel to these. 70 mph is my top cruise even though
I have seen 100 mph going downhill. Have flown it with and without
winter doors, summer doors and windshield. It is just too fast for open
air flying enjoyment. I can slow it down to 45 mph and have fair
control. All of my mods that I will install in a few weeks are to slow
it down. With my new wing tips extensions, vortex generators and
various gap seals here and there, I hope to obtain an airplane that will
be safe to fly at low level at 35 mph. That is a lot to ask for
something that can get as heavy as 1000 lbs. Have even considered going
on a diet.

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